
An Elixir Debugger

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT

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Ether provides functionality to hook Elixir into the Erlang debugger.

Since this project is new a short disclaimer is in order. Presently, Ether currently only wraps Erlang's int module. This module is the Interpreter Interface and it's primary use is with the debugger modules included in erlang. Since erlang can change their debugger at any time, this might be a little unstable. Hopefully as things advance, we can move away from that dependency and advance an elixir debugger.

Install As Dependency

As a dependency to a mix.es file:

def application() do
  [applications: [:ether]]

defp deps do
  [{:ether, github: "maarek/ether"}]
$ mix deps.get