
Docker container for Minecraft Modpacks - Vault Hunters, AllTheMods8 & Cave Factory - NOTE - each game is in its own BRANCH. Don't use "main"

Select Modded Minecraft servers in a Docker container


Docker Container for Vault Hunters & Cave Factory Minecraft Modpacks

Change to the branch for the game you want.

Current Branches:


Github: https://github.com/wotupfoo/minecraft-container/tree/vault-hunters

Docker: https://hub.docker.com/repository/registry-1.docker.io/wotupfoo/vault-hunters/tags


Github: https://github.com/wotupfoo/minecraft-container/tree/cave-factory

Docker: coming some day - current focus is on Vault-Hunters since there is already a Cave Factory container (this is forked from)


This repo was forked from the original work here to launch Cave Factory

Github: https://github.com/Ratomas/cave-factory

Docker: https://hub.docker.com/r/ratomas/cave-factory