
py-openzwave is a python wrapper around the open-zwave c++ project.

Primary LanguagePython


What is py-openzwave?

py-openzwave is a python wrapper around the open-zwave c++ project. This allows you to interact with z-wave networks from withing Python.

Build instructions for Windows

In order to build py-openzwave on Windows you need MinGW, MinGW is a minimalist GNU compiler for Windows. You can download MinGW here: http://www.mingw.org/ Other requirements are:

  • Cython 14.1 or higher, available from: http://www.cython.org
  • Open-zwave revision r321 or higher (r321 contains patches for MinGW)

We will assume the following build structure (different structure requires changes in py-openzwave's setup.py!):

\ Root folder -\ py-openzwave source folder -\ open-zwave source folder

  1. From the root folder, type "cd open-zwave\cpp\build\windows\mingw32"
  2. Enter "make", this will build open-zwave. If all went will you should have an "openzwave.a" file in the "open-zwave\cpp\lib\windows-mingw32" directory.
  3. From the root folder, type "cd py-openzwave"
  4. Type "python setup.py build --compiler=mingw32", this should build the py-openzwave module. If you are satisfied with the build, you can install it by running "python setup.py install"

Building on Ubuntu 10.10 (thanks Drew)

The 'cython' version for Ubuntu 10.10 is 0.12.1, which is too old. You'll get an error at 'cdef extern from # ""'. Removing that cython and running 'easy_install cython' will get you a version at least as new as 0.14.1, which will work.

First build the openzwave library: (cd openzwave/cpp/build/linux; make)

Then the python library: python setup.py build

Then try running python (or ipython) and pasting the contents of test.py. You need to leave python running after the statements are done so callbacks can come in.

For the tricklestar USB device, a more robust device name to use is /dev/serial/by-id/usb-Prolific_Technology_Inc._USB-Serial_Controller_D-if00-port0 (as opposed to ttyUSB0/ttyUSB1/etc).