
Using ICA-AROMA without having BET output from Feat

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Hey all,

I am using ICA-AROMA on my FEAT output where I turned off bet because of my further analysis. I want to keep it that way, however AROMA runs now a bit faster than usual.
Furthermore, I get these errors in the terminal:

"/sw/fsl/latest/bin/bet: line 265: dc: command not found"
"/sw/fsl/latest/bin/bet failed during command [...] -f 0.3 -n -m -R"

Is ICA-AROMA without bet image still running properly?

Thanks for the help!


Hi, it should be fine if you turned bet off in the FEAT analysis. However, it looks like your bet command isn't working at all. ICA-AROMA will run bet on the example_func to generate a mask. This is used for AROMA purposes only, so won't impact your setup. But for this step bet needs to work properly.

In your case it looks like the bash command 'dc' (a calculator) is not installed properly? You can quickly test by running bet on a regular T1. Make sure you use the bet referenced above (/sw/fsl/latest/bin/bet)