
Library to aid in Absinthe graphql testing

Primary LanguageElixirMIT LicenseMIT


Hex pm Hex Docs License.github/workflows/elixir.yml

Library to help testing Absinthe graphql queries.

It has several features to aid in testing:

  • precompile queries during compile time
  • use sigils for less verbose syntax
  • generates functions for named graphql operations


The package can be installed by adding artem to your list of dependencies in mix.exs:

def deps do
    {:artem, "~> 1.0.0"}


Add the Artem module with the use clause. You'll need to supply the schema: option with the Absinthe schema under test.

defmodule ArtemTest do
  use ExUnit.Case

  use Artem, schema: Your.Absinthe.Schema

Now you get access to the macros supplied by Artem. There are a couple of ways to use them


The first approach is using sigils

defmodule ArtemTest do
  @version_query ~q"
    query {
  test "run query" do
    assert {:ok, %{data: %{"version" => "201008"}}} == Artem.run(@version_query)

This precompiles the document into the @version_query module attribute. If you run this document multiple times in your tests you'll only have to run the static parts (parsing/some validation) of the document once. This can also be used outside of testing, if your app relies on internal graphql queries for example.

Generated functions

The second approach builds on this but when your graphql operations are named they are compiled into functions you can call.

defmodule ArtemTest do
    query MyTest($format: String{
      datetime(format: $format)

  test "run query" do
    assert {:ok, %{data: %{"datetime" => "201008"}}} ==
            my_test(variables: %{format: "YYMMDD"}, context: %{current_user_id: 1})

You can pass in the variables/context into the function.

Note that the name of the function is snake_cased from the camelized name of the operation.


The third way is using the precompile/2 macro

defmodule ArtemTest do
  @query precompile("
    query {

  test "run query" do
    assert {:ok, %{data: %{"version" => "201008"}}} == Artem.run(@query)

The sigil is syntactic sugar for calling the precompile macro. You can use this for more direct control over this process, allowing easier composability.

Documentation can be generated with ExDoc and published on HexDocs. Once published, the docs can be found at https://hexdocs.pm/artem.