Library and API to calculate CO2 emissions for personal mobility.
- aaronore
- AntoineAugusti@betagouv @mtes-mct @etalab
- barbeauGoogle
- bonbakermans
- ClementDalisson
- cyrus1123Montreal, Canada
- czanalyticsCZAnalytics
- fpapadopou@LinearityGmbH
- grimsySydney, Australia
- igormatosCESAR Recife
- imghasemiGermany
- johanricher@multi-coop @codeforfr
- JohnKekule
- jonkenobiTokyo
- Jujuchu
- julian-jAddvances
- kushshr
- laardeeMaaS Global
- laemRennes
- loelkes
- Ly0n@protontypes
- maniac-joker
- ManzarhaqSAP Innovation Labs
- MarkusShepherd@woltapp
- MohamedEldafrawi2
- niklasfischer-mg
- nschlemmcoder nostra GmbH
- qdrivenNowhere
- samgdotsonUniversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
- sebbelNetlution GmbH
- swaaap-nilThe Lean Product Studio
- V2dhaNew Delhi, India
- yenwelEvergem
- zisismaleas