
Building a habit of practising new skills through an awesome Scholarship Challenge powered by Udacity, sponsored by Facebook,

SPAIC60DaysofUdacity #60DaysofUdacity 🎉

Building a habit of practising new skills through an awesome Scholarship Challenge powered by Udacity, sponsored by Facebook.

The 60 Days Timeline (28th June 2019 - 28th August 2019)

📆 Day 1 (28th June 2019)

⏩ Pledge for #60DaysofUdacity

⏩ Journey Begins. Lesson 2 in Progress.

⏩ Exploring the web for some more information about different topics.

📆 Day 2 (29th June 2019)

⏩ Lesson 2 in Progress.

⏩ Work on the Projects.

📆 Day 3 (30th June 2019)

⏩ Lesson 2 in Progress.

⏩ Revisiting a couple of videos for Revision.

⏩ Exploring the web for some articles and useful resources.

📆 Day 4 (01st July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 2 Done.

⏩ Work on the projects.

⏩ Beginning of lesson 3.

📆 Day 5 (2nd July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 3 in Progress.

⏩ Working on the Projects.

📆 Day 6 (03rd July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 3 in Progress.

⏩ Taking a brief of Slack Messages.

📆 Day 7 (04th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 3 in Progress.

⏩ Working on the Project.

⏩ Practise the required stuffs.

📆 Day 8 (05th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 3 Completed.

⏩ Revise the topics covered in the Lesson.

⏩ Look for the resources and work on the Projects.

📆 Day 9 (06th July 2019)

⏩ Beginning of Lesson 4.

⏩ Going through the initial Lectures.

⏩ Taking a brief of Slack Messages.

📆 Day 10 (07th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 4 in Progress.

⏩ Evaluating The Privacy Of A Function, looking for the resources over the web.

⏩ Revision of covered topics.

📆 Day 11 (08th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 4 Completed.

⏩ Revision of the topics.

⏩ Studying differencing attack and sensitivity for threshold.

📆 Day 12 (09th July 2019)

⏩ Beginning of Lesson 5.

⏩ Exploring the web for the articles and resources.

⏩ Participated in a meetup.

📆 Day 13 (10th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 5 in Progress.

⏩ Working on the projects.

⏩ Revision of the covered topics.

⏩ Going through the resources.

📆 Day 14 (11th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 5 Completed.

⏩ Revising the covered topics.

⏩ Participate in the meetup.

⏩ Taking a brief of Slack Messages.

📆 Day 15 (12th July 2019)

⏩ Beginning of the Lesson 6.

⏩ Study for the same, and look up for resources over the internet.

⏩ Explore different courses and clear the doubts.

⏩ Interact on Slack.

📆 Day 16 (13th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 6 in Progress.

⏩ Study for the same, going through the articles and lectures.

⏩ Interacting with the PyTorch Scholars about their experiences.

📆 Day 17 (14th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 6 Completed.

⏩ Revision of the covered topics.

⏩ Going through the posts in the Slack channels.

📆 Day 18 (15th July 2019)

⏩ Revision of Lesson 6.

⏩ Working on the projects.

⏩ Studying the topics, and going through some articles, just a minimal revision.

📆 Day 19 (16th July 2019)

⏩ Beginning of Lesson 7.

⏩ Looking for other courses over the web.

⏩ Going through the Slack messages, and the questions of AMA Sessions.

📆 Day 20 (17th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 7 in Progress.

⏩ Learning about PySyft.

⏩ Resetting up my PC.

⏩ Looking for the resources and articles over the internet.

📆 Day 21 (18th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 7 in Progress.

⏩ Studying about Federated Learning.

⏩ Going through the Projects.

📆 Day 22 (19 July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 7 Completed.

⏩ Complete the projects.

⏩ Revise the covered topics.

📆 Day 23 (20th July 2019)

⏩ Revision of Lesson 7.

⏩ Going through the notes.

⏩ Looking and going through the resources available on web.

⏩ Taking a brief of Slack Messages.

📆 Day 24 (21st July 2019)

⏩ Looking up different online courses for ML, and Deep Learning.

⏩ Brushing up my unbrushed knowledges.

⏩ Going through Slack Messages (Resources).

📆 Day 25 (22nd July 2019)

⏩ Going through other available courses over the Internet, and going through them.

⏩ Exploring the books, and articles related to the current Challenge Course.

📆 Day 26 (23rd July 2019)

⏩ Beginning of Lesson 8.

⏩ Going through the Lesson.

⏩ Work on the projects.

📆 Day 27 (24th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 8 in Progress.

⏩ A slight progress was made in the Lesson.

📆 Day 28 (25th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 8 in Progress.

⏩ Revising the covered topics in the current lesson.

⏩ Going through the articles and blogs on the internet regarding 'Securing Federated Learning'.

📆 Day 29 (26th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 8 in Progress.

⏩ Clearing my doubts.

⏩ Working on the Projects.

📆 Day 30 (27th July 2019)

⏩ Lesson 8 Completed.

⏩ Mission #60DaysofUdacity is half-complete. ⛳️

⏩ Revising the current lesson.

⏩ Completing the Projects.

📆 Day 31 (28th July 2019)

⏩ Revising the covered topics.

⏩ Looking for similar courses on Coursera.

⏩ Encouraging my peers on LinkedIn.

📆 Day 32 (29th July 2019)

⏩ Clearing the doubts, and reworking on the projects.

⏩ Reading Blogs and Articles.

⏩ Taking a brief of Slack Messages.

📆 Day 33 (30th July 2019)

⏩ Completing my Actions for Google Project.

📆 Day 34 (31st July 2019)

⏩ Revision the Challenge Course.

⏩ Interacting with people on Slack.

⏩ Got my doubts cleared.

📆 Day 35 (01st Aug 2019)

⏩ Beginning of Lesson 9.

⏩ Going through the lessons, and revisiting the topics.

📆 Day 36 (02nd Aug 2019)

⏩ Lesson 9 in Progress.

⏩ AWS DeepRacer Scholarship Challenge : Taking a Brief.

⏩ AWS DeepRacer Scholarship Challenge : Going through the basics, and the course.

📆 Day 37 (03-Aug-2019)

⏩ Lesson 9 in Progress.

⏩ Looking up for some books and resources on the internet regarding Encrypted Deep Learning.

📆 Day 38 (03rd Aug 2019)

⏩ Revising the topics.

⏩ Revising the Lessons.

⏩ Clearing up my doubts.

📆 Day 39 (04th Aug 2019)

⏩ Working on the Keystone Project.

⏩ Looking for resources, and materials over the internet.

⏩ Taking a Brief of Slack Messages.

📆 Day 40 (05th Aug 2019)

⏩ SPAIChallenge Course Completed. 🎇🎇🎇

⏩ Revising the Lessons.

⏩ Going again through the Course Contents to take a very short and simple brief.

📆 Day 41 (06th Aug 2019)

⏩ Going through the entire Challenge Course.

⏩ Taking a brief of what I have learned.

⏩ Revisiting the courses to check if I missed something.

📆 Day 42 (07th Aug 2019)

⏩ Completing the Projects.

⏩ Searching for resources over the Internet regarding ML and AI.

📆 Day 43 (08th Aug 2019)

⏩ The Course if finally done. Everything is upto the mark.

⏩ Search for other courses begins.

⏩ Taking a brief of Slack Messages.

⏩ Interacting with peers in the Community.

➖ (09th Aug 2019)

No Learning for the Day, Wasn't Well. :(

📆 Day 44 (10th Aug 2019)

⏩ Looking up the website 'School of AI'.

⏩ Going through some interesting Blogs and Posts regarding Deep Learning.

📆 Day 45 (11th Aug 2019)

⏩ Got back to AWS DeepRacer Scholarship Course.

⏩ Going through the Lectures.

📆 Day 46 (12th Aug 2019)

⏩ No Learning. Eid Mubarak! 🎊 🎊 🎊

⏩ Taking a brief of Slack Messages.

📆 Day 47 (13th Aug 2019)

⏩ Going through the SPAIC Community.

⏩ Taking a brief of Slack Messages.

⏩ Going through the Resources and AMA Channel.

📆 Day 48 (14th Aug 2019)

⏩ AWS DeepRacer Scholarship : Lesson 3 in Progress.

⏩ Taking a brief of Slack Messages.

⏩ Encouraging my peers on LinkedIn and WhatsApp regarding DL, and AI.

📆 Day 49 (15th Aug 2019)

⏩ AWS DeepRacer Scholarship : Lesson 3 Completed.

⏩ Revisiting the Lessons.

⏩ Looking for the articles regarding AWS over the Internet.

📆 Day 50 (16th Aug 2019)

⏩ AWS DeepRacer Scholarship : Lesson 4 Beings.

⏩ Learning more about Reinforcement Learning.

⏩ Interacting with SPAIC Community.

⏩ Taking a brief of Slack Messages on Slack for SPAIC.

📆 Day 51 (17th Aug 2019)

⏩ AWS DeepRacer Scholarship : Lesson 4 Completed.

⏩ Interacting on LinkedIn.

⏩ Going through the Slack Messages from SPAIC.

📆 Day 52 (18th Aug 2019)

⏩ AWS DeepRacer Scholarship : Lesson 5 Begins.

⏩ Watching YouTube Videos regarding AI, and Data Science.

⏩ Looking for some resources and good courses over the Internet to expand my knowledge about DL, and DS.

📆 Day 53 (19th Aug 2019)

⏩ AWS DeepRacer Scholarship : Lesson 5 Completed.

⏩ Brushing up my knowledge for the AWS DeepRacer Course.

📆 Day 54 (20th Aug 2019)

⏩ Got back to the SPAIC.

⏩ Revising the topics.

⏩ Looking for resources to expand my knowledge.

➖ (21-Aug-2019)

No Learning for the day.

📆 Day 55 (22nd Aug 2019)

⏩ Federated Learning : Revising the topics

⏩ Going through the blogs and courses related to Federated Learning.

📆 Day 56 (23rd Aug 2019)

⏩ Watching some Tutorials.

⏩ Take a brief of Slack Messages from SPAIC Community.

📆 Day 57 (24th Aug 2019)

⏩ Going through the Slack Messages in SPAIC Community.

⏩ Interacting with other students on Slack.

⏩ Revising the topic : Encrypted Deep Learning.

📆 Day 58 (25th Aug 2019)

⏩ Encrypted Deep Learning : Expanding my knowledge.

⏩ Going through some resources over the web.

⏩ Watching YouTube Videos.

➖ (26-Aug-2019)

No Learning for the day, wasn't well.😷

Attended the AMA Session.

📆 Day 59 (27th Aug 2019)

⏩ Interacting and Encouraging other students on Slack.

⏩ Responding to Messages on Slack.

⏩ Going through the resources Channel.

📆 Day 60 (28th Aug 2019) ✅✅✅✅✅

⏩ Finally the Day 60 of #60DaysofUdacity.

⏩ Responding to Messages on Slack.

⏩ Attended a Webniar by @Ayivima and a Virtual Meetup by @Aniket Mitra

⏩ Crossed-checked everything. ✅✅✅

Thank you @akshtjn @udacity @facebookai @palak.udacity for the Tremendous Support #60DaysofUdacity