
Test automation on DevOps is a process that involves several steps. I try to map all steps and create a test project here. You can start with this example.

Primary LanguageC#


Test automation on DevOps is a process that involves several steps. I try to map all steps and create a test project here. You can start with this example.


How do you run data-driven tests in TFS without using the [DataSource] attribute?

            "http://TFS URL", 


You can implement a [CustomDataSource] attribute. With this you can connect your TFS-server and retrieve test parameters


Get test data by implementing a class that can retrieve the test data

public void GetParameterValueByTestCaseId()
    TfsTeamProjectCollection tfs = TfsTeamProjectCollectionFactory.GetTeamProjectCollection(new Uri("TFS_URL"));
    ITestManagementTeamProject project = tfs.GetService<ITestManagementService>().GetTeamProject("ProjectName");
    var testCase = project.TestCases.Find(1234);
    var testData = testCase.Data.Tables[0];
    this._dataSource = testData.Select();


You have to implement a [CustomDataSource] attribute to be able to call test data. this attribute is inherited ITestDataSource by using MSTest V2

private string _projectCollection { get; }
private string _teamProject { get; }
private int _testCaseId { get; }
private DataRow[] _dataSources;

public CustomDataSourceAttribute(string projectCollection, string teamProject, int testCaseId)
    this._projectCollection = projectCollection;
    this._teamProject = teamProject;
    this._testCaseId = testCaseId;
public IEnumerable<object[]> GetData(MethodInfo methodInfo)
    foreach (var data in this._dataSources)
        yield return new object[] { data };

    if (this._dataSources.Length == 0)
        yield return new object[] { null };

public string GetDisplayName(MethodInfo methodInfo, object[] data)
    var className = methodInfo.DeclaringType.Name;
    if (data != null)
        return $"{className} - {data}";

    return $"{className} - No parameter";


Invoke the [CustomDataSource] attribute above your test method

[CustomDataSource(< "TFS-Server" >, < "PROJECT-NAME" >, < TEST - CASE - ID >)]
public void Execute(DataRow parameter)
    var sw = Stopwatch.StartNew();

    var user = parameter["User"].ToString();
    var password = parameter["Password"].ToString();
    var language = parameter["Language"].ToString();

    // Do Something

    this.TestContext.WriteLine($"Elapsed: {sw.Elapsed.ToString()}");