
This repository contains data and code to reproduce results reported in the manuscript, "Trait plasticity is more important than genetic variation in determining species richness of associated communities". This manuscript has just been resubmitted to Journal of Ecology. The release associated with this resubmission is archived with Zenodo DOI.

To interact with the code in a live notebook, click on the "launch binder" icon and then on the Jupyter notebook "reproduce_lanphere_analyses_and_figures.ipynb" Binder

Alternatively, you can clone the repository and use either the ipython notebook or Rmarkdown version of "reproduce_lanphere_analyses_and figures" to reproduce these analyses.

An early version of the manuscript is posted as a preprint on bioRxiv ( The release associated with this preprint is archived with Zenodo DOI. Note that the analyses used in the preprint are no longer used in the current version of the manuscript.