A text classifier fine tuned on pre-trained BERT for Sarcasm Detection in News Headlines (PyTorch Implementation)
- 353xiong
- ada612
- akhilkishoreIndian Institute Of Information Technology And Management Kerala
- araloak
- capogluuuGalatasaray University
- chimo3333
- cx-lab
- ekunniiMontreal
- Evan1614
- FAhtishamDeutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz
- Finite-Abelian
- fuuuuujc
- godray
- hnc-daekyoo
- httpwww404notfoundTianjin University
- huang-z-h
- itsmatteiRome
- ivan-bilanPersonio
- JonXiaNot in Google, with the method of elimnation.
- khushboogupta13Mumbai, Maharashtra
- latuanvinh1998UIT university
- LCG22
- mateusns12
- mek12
- pbxxxxx
- pticek
- ramaneswaran
- rubyzhangyajie
- SUMMER1234
- tatsuya068
- TinaBBBUniversity of Toronto
- tingting989
- tranquyenbk173@VinAIResearch
- tunuh-web
- wuxh21Wuhan
- xiangju2017