Steam Organizer is a simple web application to organize, sort and filter your Steam game library.
It has been developed as a demonstration purpose of my skills in backend development.
For backend development the following tools, languagues and technologies has been used:
- Python 3.4.3
- Flask 0.10.1
- flask-mongoengine 0.7.1
- Flask-OpenID 1.2.4
- mongoengine 0.10.0
- pyredis 2.10.3
- celery 3.1.18
- gunicorn 19.3.0
- MongoDB 3.0.6
- Redis 3.0.3
- Install VirtualBox to be used as a provider:
- Install Vagrant:
- Copy vagrant/ to vagrant/ (this file
was intentionaly added to .gitignore file)
cp vagrant/ vagrant/
) - Edit your file and setup the environment variables
- You will gonna need a Steam Account to get a Steam Api Key
- In the project folder, execute
vagrant up
- After VM setup, run
vagrant ssh
to connect to virtual machine - Go to vagrant shared folder:
cd /vagrant
- To start gunicorn server, run the following command:
- To start the Celery worker, execute: