
Set of features extracted from Whole Slide images (WSI) patches, related to the perimetral tissue region surrounding individual tumor cells, as well as the cell morphometrics.

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


Set of features extracted from Whole Slide images (WSI) patches, related to the graph-interplay, cell-based morphometrics and immune-related metrics.

Nuclear Features

To run the nuclear features extraction, the code named, 'extract_all_features' must be run.

peri-Nuclear Features

To run the peri-nuclear features extraction, the code named, 'feat_extraction_main'

Feature description

The signature description are in both .m files, 'nuclearFeatures_Descriptor' for nuclear and 'periNuclearFeatures_Descriptor' for perinuclear, it lists the name of the individual signatures.