

Primary LanguageJava

#                 MALEN README

# Start malen

   linux: bin/stratup.sh
   windows: bin/stratup.bat

# Directory description
    bin/      ----->   stratup file
    conf/     ----->   configuration file
    lib/      ----->   package jar
    log/      ----->   log file
    webapps/  ----->   your website dir

# Jar description
    xml parser using dom4j, log using log4j

# conf description
    mime.xml  is http contentTye file
    server.xml is malen server configuration file
    log4j.properties is configuration log4j file
    filtermim3.proerties is which do not exclude filters file

# webapps description
    Your website direcotry, you must config yourwebsite/WEB-INF/web.xml
    and how to configuration please see comes with example

# other
    if you hava any questions, please mail to rockagen@gmail.com

 thanks !