A thin Cython binding of the Basler Pylon SDK.
It requires to have pylon SDK installed. Check Basler site.
$ git clone git@github.com:srgblnch/python-pylon.git
$ cd python-pylon
This variable $PYLON_BASE is the key to link this module with an specific release of pylon.
It's time for the required includes before build, specify to use g++ and pylon shared libraries.
Important: The current stage of the development is made using Pylon 2. It is not being very tested (by now) with later versions.
$ ./setup.sh
>>> import pylon
>>> pylon.pylonversionstr()
By default it is will compile the python module for pylon 4, but this can be modified using arguments in the setup.sh pylon followed by the number:
$ ./setup.sh pylon 4
>>> import pylon
>>> pylon.pylonversionstr()
$ ./setup.sh pylon 3
>>> import pylon
>>> pylon.pylonversionstr()
Finally there is a command to clean as an argument of the setup.sh.
Once have the pylon.so build and placed in the python path, the use can began:
>>> import pylon
>>> factory = pylon.Factory()
>>> factory.nCameras
>>> factory.cameraList
[2NNNNNN0 (scA1000-30gm), 2NNNNNN1 (acA1300-30gc), 2NNNNNN3 (acA1300-30gc)]
>>> factory.cameraModels
['scA1000-30gm', 'acA1300-30gc']
>>> camera = factory.getCameraBySerialNumber(2NNNNNN1)
>>> camera.ipAddress
>>> camera.isOpen
>>> camera.Open()
>>> camera.isOpen