
Primary LanguageJavaGNU Lesser General Public License v2.1LGPL-2.1


A Proxy Auto-Configuration (PAC) script interpreter for Java with minimal dependencies.



implementation group: 'com.mabl', name: 'pac-interpreter', version: '1.+'




This library is compatible with Java 8 or newer.


Please see the full documentation below this example for more information.

import com.mabl.net.proxy.FindProxyDirective;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.FindProxyResult;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.PacInterpreter;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.ReloadablePacInterpreter;
import java.net.URL;
import java.time.Duration;

// Initialize the interpreter:
PacInterpreter interpreter = ReloadablePacInterpreter.forUrl(new URL("https://example.com/proxy.pac"));

// Reload the PAC from https://example.com/proxy.pac every 5 minutes

// Find the proxy that should be used for the URL https://www.example.org/foo :
FindProxyResult result = interpreter.findProxyForUrl("https://www.example.com/foo");
FindProxyDirective firstDirective = result.first();

// Connect as described by the directive:
switch (firstDirective.connectionType()) {
  case DIRECT:
    System.out.println("Connecting without proxy");
  case HTTP:
  case HTTPS:
  case PROXY:
    System.out.println("Connecting via HTTP(S) proxy " + firstDirective.proxyHostAndPort());
  case SOCKS:
  case SOCKS4:
  case SOCKS5:
    System.out.println("Connecting via SOCKS proxy " + firstDirective.proxyHostAndPort());


interpreter.stop(); // Stop automatic PAC reloads


This package provides two PAC interpreter implemenations, both of which implement the PacInterpreter interface:

  1. SimplePacInterpreter
  2. AutoReloadingPacInterpreter


The SimplePacInterpreter implementation loads a specified PAC script once and provides a method to execute the PAC's FindProxyForURL function as many times as needed.

The PAC script can be loaded into the interpreter in several ways:

Passed directly as a String

import com.mabl.net.proxy.PacInterpreter;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.SimplePacInterpreter;
String script = "function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return \"DIRECT\"; }";
PacInterpreter interpreter = SimplePacInterpreter.forScript(script);

Loaded from a File

import com.mabl.net.proxy.PacInterpreter;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.SimplePacInterpreter;
import java.io.File;
PacInterpreter interpreter = SimplePacInterpreter.forFile(new File("/path/to/proxy.pac"));

Loaded from a URL

import com.mabl.net.proxy.PacInterpreter;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.SimplePacInterpreter;
import java.net.URL;
PacInterpreter interpreter = SimplePacInterpreter.forUrl(new URL("https://example.com/proxy.pac"));


The ReloadablePacInterpreter implementation is similar to SimplePacInterpreter except that it allows the PAC to be reloaded, either explicitly by executing the reload() method or automatically in the background at a specified period using the start(Duration) method. To stop automatic reloading, execute the stop() method.

The ReloadablePacInterpreter is initialized in a similar way to SimplePacInterpreter, with various options for loading the PAC script:

Passed directly as a String

Passing the script directly to ReloadablePacInterpreter is slightly different than with SimplePacInterpreter. ReloadablePacInterpreter takes a Supplier<String> rather than a String in order to allow the underlying script to change between reloads:

import com.mabl.net.proxy.PacInterpreter;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.ReloadablePacInterpreter;
private String loadScript() {
  // TODO Get the script from somewhere
  return "function FindProxyForURL(url, host) { return \"DIRECT\"; }";
PacInterpreter interpreter = ReloadablePacInterpreter.forScript(this::loadScript);

Loaded from a File

Each time the interpreter is reloaded, the file will be re-read.

import com.mabl.net.proxy.PacInterpreter;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.ReloadablePacInterpreter;
import java.io.File;
PacInterpreter interpreter = ReloadablePacInterpreter.forFile(new File("/path/to/proxy.pac"));

Loaded from a URL

Each time the interpreter is reloaded the PAC script will be re-fetched from the specified URL.

import com.mabl.net.proxy.PacInterpreter;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.ReloadablePacInterpreter;
import java.net.URL;
PacInterpreter interpreter = ReloadablePacInterpreter.forUrl(new URL("https://example.com/proxy.pac"));

Triggering a reload manually

To reload the PAC from the underlying source manually, call the reload() method:

import com.mabl.net.proxy.PacInterpreter;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.ReloadablePacInterpreter;
import java.net.URL;
PacInterpreter interpreter = ReloadablePacInterpreter.forUrl(new URL("https://example.com/proxy.pac"));

Automatic reloads

To start automatic reloads, use the start(Duration) method. To stop, call stop():

import com.mabl.net.proxy.PacInterpreter;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.ReloadablePacInterpreter;
import java.net.URL;
import java.time.Duration;
PacInterpreter interpreter = ReloadablePacInterpreter.forUrl(new URL("https://example.com/proxy.pac"));

Using the interpreter to select a proxy

Once you have chosen an interpreter implementation and successfully initialized it, you can use that interpreter to invoke the PAC script's FindProxyForURL function.

The easiest way to do this is to call the interpreter's findProxyForUrl(String url) method:

import com.mabl.net.proxy.PacInterpreter;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.FindProxyResult;
PacInterpreter interpreter = initializeInterpreter();
FindProxyResult result = interpreter.findProxyForUrl("https://www.example.com");

The PAC script's FindProxyForURL actually takes two arguments, the full URL and the host (defined as "the string between :// and the first : or / after that"). The PacInterpreter will automatically parse the host from the URL for you, but if you prefer to pass a custom value for host, you can call the overloaded version of this method that takes two parameters:

import com.mabl.net.proxy.PacInterpreter;
import com.mabl.net.proxy.FindProxyResult;
PacInterpreter interpreter = initializeInterpreter();
FindProxyResult result = interpreter.findProxyForUrl("https://www.example.com", "www.example.com");

The FindProxyResult

The PAC script's FindProxyForURL function returns a string which might contain multiple proxy directives separated by ;. For example:


To make this output easier to use, the interpreter automatically parses it and returns it as an instance of FindProxyResult. The FindProxyResult class includes several methods for exploring these directives:


Returns the number of proxy directives.


Returns a List<ProxyDirective> containing all directives that were parsed from the result in the order in which the FindProxyForURL function returned them.


Returns the first ProxyDirective.


Returns a random ProxyDirective.

get(int index)

Returns the ProxyDirective at the specified (zero-based) index.


FindProxyResult is also an Iterable<FindProxyDirective>:

for (FindProxyDirective directive : findProxyResult) {

The FindProxyDirective

FindProxyDirective allows you to obtain the connection type and the host:port of the proxy (if any).

The connection type is returned by the connectionType() method and is represented as an enum with one of the following values:

  • HTTP
  • SOCKS4
  • SOCKS5

The hostname and port of the proxy (if any) can be obtained by calling the proxyHostAndPort() method. The host and port will be returned as a String with the form host:port.

Note: proxyHostAndPort() will return null if the connection type is DIRECT.

GraalVM optimization

This PAC interpreter uses GraalVM to execute the JavaScript-based PAC scripts. To maximize GraalVM performance it is necessary to add certain arguments when starting the JVM. See GraalVM's documentation on Running GraalVM JavaScript on a Stock JDK for more information.


Use the gradlew script to build locally:

./gradlew build


Creating SNAPSHOT builds

SNAPSHOT builds are automatically created on each push to a branch other than main and are published to the Nexus snapshot repository. The SNAPSHOT version will be of the form <base_version>-<branch_name>-SNAPSHOT, e.g. 1.2.3-mybranch-SNAPSHOT.

To use one of these snapshot builds, make sure you have the Nexus snapshot repository added to your build configuration. For example, in Gradle you would need to add:

repositories {
  maven {
    url "https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/"

Staging a release

⚠️ Before merging to main make sure to bump baseVersion in build.gradle

When a change is merged to main, a release build will be created and pushed to the Nexus staging repository.

The build is public but not pushed to Maven Central. You can test out the staging build by adding the staging repository to your build configuration. For example, in Gradle you would need to add:

repositories {
  maven {
    url "https://s01.oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/staging/"

Releasing to Maven Central

After verifying the staging build, the next step is to trigger the release to Maven Central. This can be done by executing the ./tag.sh script in the root of the repository. This will initiate the process of releasing to Maven Central, but it may take some time for the release to be available and searchable there. Releases can be found in the Nexus releases repository.

Other Sonatype/Nexus links

In addition to the repositories listed above, the public repository contains all publicly accessible pac-interpreter artifacts.

The Nexus Repository Manager can be used to inspect/manage pac-interpreter artifacts interactively. It should never be necessary to interact with this UI manually as Github Workflows are set up to automate all common development flows (see above).


Please feel free to file issues and submit pull requests if you would like to contribute to this project.


This code is released under the GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1, mainly because the PAC utility functions are derived from the original Mozilla implementation which was released under that license.