A small widget for maintaining atime metadata on a Qumulo cluster.
Depends on redis
and rsyslog
, but the included docker-compose.yml
can build the appropriate
containers and wire them together properly. Rsyslog needs to listen for Audit messages coming from
Qumulo, and the qatime container needs an NFS mount to the Qumulo cluster with admin-level permissions.
The standard atime attribute is not exposed by the Qumulo API, nor is it updated when appropriate
(e.g. file read, directory listing). It is used when we respond to a stat()
call, and can be
set with touch -a $timestamp $path_to_file
This widget uses a Qumulo cluster's Audit stream of syslog messages to recognize qualifying events and set the atime appropriately.
Pull the code from this repo:
git clone https://github.com/mabott/qatime.git
Set up the configuration for your environment by copying the example configuration and edit it:
cp "qatime_config_example.ini" "qatime_config.ini"
Update docker-compose.yml
to reflect the correct address of one node of your Qumulo cluster:
driver: local
type: nfs
o: "addr=***,nfsvers=3,tcp,nolock,rw,hard,noac,lookupcache=none"
device: ":/"
Mount the Qumulo cluster to the path you specified in the configuration, for the example one this is:
$ sudo mkdir -p /mnt/qumulo
$ sudo mount -t nfs -o tcp,rw,nfsvers=3,hard,intr,noac,lookupcache=none qumulo:/ /mnt/qumulo
Run the integration test:
$ python test_qatime.py
By default, this will clean up all files. Set the env var KEEP
to disable this:
$ env KEEP=1 python3 test_qatime.py
If the above tests worked you should be in business. Fire up the containers:
$ docker-compose up --build
Test it out live:
(qatime) mbott@lol:/mnt/qumulo$ stat Demo | grep Access
Access: (0775/drwxrwxr-x) Uid: ( 1000/ mbott) Gid: ( 1000/ mbott)
Access: 2021-05-18 00:17:39.474255000 +0000
(qatime) mbott@lol:/mnt/qumulo$ ls Demo
atestfile.txt testfile
(qatime) mbott@lol:/mnt/qumulo$ stat Demo | grep Access
Access: (0775/drwxrwxr-x) Uid: ( 1000/ mbott) Gid: ( 1000/ mbott)
Access: 2021-05-18 01:07:07.722120000 +0000
(qatime) mbott@lol:/mnt/qumulo$
Feel free to run docker-compose up --build -d
to daemonize the service instead of letting it log to your console.
Redis might not be necessary anymore. The original intent was to use Redis as a database of paths and atime results. Currently it's only used as a cache.
This has not been adequately tested against interesting characters or character sets in the path names that get sent by Qumulo Audit.
This needs more testing, particularly e2e testing to validate the whole environment. It's unlikely that
break with updates, given their stability, but you never know.