
Generation of LLVM IR, written purely in Common Lisp

Primary LanguageCommon Lisp


Parse and generate LLVM IR, written purely in Common Lisp.

Parsing can now (at least) parse hello-world.ll, generated by clang v3.6.2 from simpest hello-world.c.

(cg-llvm-parse 'llvm-module "...Some LLVM IR here...")

Generation is now in stub state, but hopefully will be written in future.

Type system

To make writing of LLVM operations (mainly, binary) more convenient, it is desirable to teach computer to understand LLVM type system (and infer types of arguments, such that not all of them need to be specified explicitly)

For that, the following rough list of tasks should be done:

  • (done, tested) parsing of llvm type grammar
  • (done) emitting s-exp llvm type grammar from lisp-side types
  • (done, tested) emitting text llvm type grammar from lisp-side types
  • (should I really do this?) compile-time parsing of lisp-style llvm grammar
  • (done, tested) runtime parsing of s-exp llvm type grammar
  • (?) type-implication for llvm operations