
Primary LanguageC#Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 InternationalCC-BY-4.0

Blazing Pizza

It's a tutorial Blazor Application for selling pizzas, to learn how to quickly develop Balzor apps.

This tutorial has only one disadvantage, it makes you hungry ;)

This tutorial cames from Learn Microsoft :

Learn Micrsoft - build-web-apps-with-blazor

Tutorial's Steps


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First Step

Slider is now binding on pizza'a price and size

Price and Size binded on Slider

Second Step

Add Navigation

Price and Size binded on Slider

Acces to Data

Use of SQLLite to stock pizzas :

Learn Microsoft - Acces do data

Allow customers to place an order

Manage Checkout Page's PlaceOrder button

Price and Size binded on Slider

Add Entity Framework support for orders and pizzas

To test it's needed to remove the tree files pizza.db, pizza.db-shm, pizza.db-wal to make de DB recreat by Entity Framework

Add an Order Page

It's find for the customer to be able to summarize his orders

Price and Size binded on Slider

Oder Detail Page

Now you have a recap for your orders.

Use of MainLayout to factorize Navagation buttons

Price and Size binded on Slider

Add new Validation Page

I had problems with the Blazor Component CodeBehind Templates (VS2022) and the directive @page "/" should be removed.

Other problem with naming parameters of Shared Pages AddressEditor and OrderReview trying to named parameters in lower case but don't work. There was a warnig saying that lower case is a mistake to naming convention. A thought I did it before in particular with Index.rasor.

Is this problem due to not using @inhirits from PageBase should be checked.

I'm not sure using IndexBase:ComponentBase and not partial so you can make properties protected is very usefull, the template does'nt.

Price and Size binded on Slider

First play with Validation Message

  • Add EditForm in Checkout.razor and InputText in AddressEditor.razor to play with form validation.

Price and Size binded on Slider

Now using DataAnnotations

  • DataAnnotations are very wellknow in validation form process

Here I add a big problem because the form was not good like there was no OnInvalidSubmit and the message was like lost connection with server thought was because of codebehind but no connect a ShowError method to OnInvalidSubmit make it work again

Price and Size binded on Slider

Better place for ValidationSummary

  • Before we remove the ValidationSummary I'd like to show there can ba a better place

Price and Size binded on Slider

Create an EditContext for EditForm binding on

This one was not easy for me because I did not see this binding <EditForm EditContext=editContext

While binding on Model=order.DeliveryAddress HandleFieldChanged was not fired.

It's really a result of the validation of forms because we arrive at efficiency while coding formular forms

First call to JavaScript

  • Use of JavaScript.InvokeAsync to display a confirm dialogbox in JavaScript

I'm glad to correct a Bug in Learn Microsoft concernig the call to JavaScript.InvokeAsync

Price and Size binded on Slider

Adding a third-party JavaScript library to a Blazor app

  • Use of sweetalert@latest/dist/sweetalert.min.js

Display a very cool alert box

Price and Size binded on Slider

Create a family's pizza

  • For this pizza size is fixed so we don't need slider to choose size in ConfigurePizzaDialog

Reusing Components Through Modeling

  • Creation of a component @typeparam TItem to paginate my pizza's orders

Price and Size binded on Slider

This time tutorial is ending, snif cause I spend good developing in Blazor.

I had just little trobble with version language C# 9.0 to C# 11.0, I don't know why obviously I should specify C# 11.0 but I don't. This project now works fine with C# 9.0

I will always continue to build the digital world !