
Python for dumies

Primary LanguagePython

As the name says, it's to discover python language. You have a documentation Découvrir-python.odt in french only aim is not to be a sum, but to discover or retreive most quickly your mark in python

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Have a look to the section Installation in Découvrir-Python.odt

in matplot-005.py i got serious problems with keras needed to install other version of python language


Thi is the end ... enough for Dicovering Python. May be some more work can be done here but as far as I am concerned I will go further in a private repo you want to know more, join the team we are embarking for AI the intensive use of Keras and Tensorflow to use forecasting as much as possible.

Hope you had fun discovering python


pandas is more efficient then numpy to read data frame

Using keras data scientist model


pandas is better than numpy for reading data


run this python script to look at what is installed on your machine


open a dialog box with tinker with file user choice


allows to install the PIP package installer in the directory \\Users\userxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python38\Scripts put it in the path


try data scientist model on linear series ... using pandas, sklearn, tensorflow, keras

Using keras data scientist model

TensorFlow not already support Python 3.12

only avalaible on pyhton 3.11 - discover Python Environnement Management to make two versions of python coexist

Using keras data scientist model


use of candlestick_ohlc updated to display financial graphics using matplot and mplfinance.original_flavor

Finance graph with mplfinance


display a curve read in a csv file, use the boursorama data file to display only a graph, show how to use date on x axe,

using datestr2num converter


demonstrate moving average exponential, this indicator gives more importance to the most recent periods. This means that the EMA (exponential moving average) responds more quickly to price movements

moving average exponential


anotation on a graph

anotation on a graph


playing with NumPy convolve to calculate moving average 'valid' 'same' and 'full'


use the librairy matplotlib.pyplot inspired from MATLAB


example using regex regular expression


more than one parameter passed to a function just stuning


dicovering python language


example used in document Découvrir-python (french only)


demonstrate how to create modular function declared in directory module


the use of Vector class defined in \\module\Vector.py file


a way to make a clearScreen, then to print some informations before starting a python program

Hope you enjoy python as I do!

My python references

Python's Library

Forecasting: Principles and Practice

You really want to be a data-scientist