
Try to play with Github Pages & Jekyll - second round

My Web Site using Github Pages & Jekyll

I have the distinct impression of starting a silly job again but this time it seams to work

Url de publication: https://mabyre.github.io/

Origin: https://github.com/mabyre/mabyre.github.io

Try use Posts

Try use Tech

Home for tests

Mabyre's docs with no Jekyll

Fisrt of all you need to go to "Actions" tab to see if build/deploy process is Ok



    {% for item in site.Menu %} [{{ item.title }}]({{ item.url }}) {% endfor %}



doc > page1


jump to docs

Github Pages

Create a repository named yourusername.github.io. On setting tab set what is good for. Create a file _config.yml :

After that, help documentation is a little confused, two ways to continue :

Help on GitHub Pages & Jekyll

Samples usings of GitHub Pages & Jekyll


Randomly in my wanderings

YAML Validator

Markdown syntaxe