
gotep is a terminal-based REST client designed to execute HTTP tests based on the Jetbrains HTTP-Client.

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT

Lint, test and build gotep


gotep is a terminal-based REST client designed to execute HTTP tests based on the Jetbrains HTTP-Client.

Usage 💡

  1. Download the OS-specific binary from the release page.
  2. Copy the binary to a location in your $PATH.
  3. Execute your tests by typing gotep run <testfile with .http or .rest ending> in your terminal. Find out more about supported command flags by executing the help commands described below.
  4. If you need help, type gotep -h or gotep help. For subcommand-specific help, type gotep <subcommand> -h.


If you encounter bugs during use, feel free to open an issue or start contributing.

Contributing 🧑‍💻

Please read and follow the guidelines, if you wish to contribute.

Dev environment setup

  1. Clone the repository.
  2. Enable git hooks by executing git config core.hooksPath .hooks; chmod +x .hooks/*.
  3. Run go install inside the src directory to install all necessary go dependencies. You can either spin up a docker dev container using the command below or develop on your local machine.
  docker run --rm -it --name gotep-dev -v $PWD:/go/gotep golang:1.19


  • This repo follows the rebase-merge git strategy.
  • Commit messages have to follow an extended version of Angular commit message guidelines.
  • All go files need to be properly formatted before they can be committed. Use make fmt.
  • Comments should begin with the following annotations:
// FIXME - for a bug that has to be approached later on
// TODO - for a feature / architecture / design change which depends on something else and needs to be implemented on a future point in time
// NOTE - for an important info