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Website: https://xendao.org

What is Xen DAO?

Xen DAO is a tool that allows you to mass mint XEN. There are 2 tools available. A batch minter(smart contract) and in-browser wallet generator&minter.

Smart contract is more convenient, but costs more gas. Wallet minter is cheaper, but takes a few extra step.

Benefits of using the Tool

In addition to claiming XEN, you will also earn Xen DAO(XD) token.

Economic Model

The DAO collects a small fee from each claimed wallet. 100% of the fees collected are distributed to XD stakers.

Xen DAO Staking

Xen DAO holders can stake their tokens & earn rewards from fees in native tokens(ETH/BNB/MATIC/...).

Xen DAO Tokenomics

Xen DAO(XD) token can only be minted until 15th of January 2023. Daily inflation starts reducing from day 14 onwards. 0 inflation is reached on 15th January

No Premine

Xen DAO has no "premine". Supply starts at 0.

Referrals earn Extra

You can also referr other users and earn 20% of their XD reward. Invitee receives a 25% XD bonus on their mint. (Click to referr)

Xen DAO Long Term Value

Xen DAO is a smart contract that allows mass XEN minting and the distribution of collected rewards to XD stakers. There is no roadmap and no future development.
The main purpose of Xen DAO is to create a safe batch minting environment with extra rewards. It is not meant to serve as an investment. Beware that the XEN token itself is hyperinflationary which could lead to tokens becoming worthless.

Xen DAO Security

Xen DAO is an experimental software. Source code can be viewed on Github. While it's most likely safe and secure to use and has been audited by a peer, there have been no audits from a professional auditing firm. Use at your own risk.

Contract Addresses:
Ethereum: https://etherscan.io/address/0x3b958770BD1E7Ac4Be6f79314Dd9CE26418e160F
Burn Contract: 0x59c2f22c7321F0FfdF19F4Bcbbd94653918aE2FB

BSC: https://bscscan.com/address/0x1Be9F31e1Eb61266c26c992e884252b323D1e892
Burn Contract: 0x4b450Bd6D84EBE78750e29BBF6e27e7C45ee4EC5

Polygon: https://polygonscan.com/address/0x0D0C85605b4E3aC7DC37b85eaaDc2d5AadB4b7B1
Burn Contract: 0x438588D94a7b54E3d6e86a2009144C1c53cA8C08

Avax C Chain: https://snowtrace.io/address/0x2010B36B59F16303322454DfB146baAd3F470a98
Burn Contract: 0x11AEbfdB7F13A3d90236343fEc16FF1C13e124f7

ETHW: https://www.oklink.com/en/ethw/address/0xb13501de5475447B700aB19738EB5BB2e9eAB733
Burn Contract: 0x3995542d671c1dE706eB0E74dd30F72556CBbF66

Moonbeam: https://moonbeam.moonscan.io/address/0x2010B36B59F16303322454DfB146baAd3F470a98
Burn Contract: 0xB06E388ac7c4156Df3c6B68e0eB5fa5f93001088

Evmos: https://evm.evmos.org/address/0x2927E1293209e0522baCA63d2eABB865a252b3BB/
Burn Contract: 0x3347D43a1eef2eb93F3d1D69C0f94D33c0089177

Fantom: https://ftmscan.com/address/0xFcBC4fc05dbb6FAe6112DD82b39Db58fCC1Ba02A/
Burn Contract: 0x24b0718bb3eA16A0AE95428291d7837dDD50909E

DogeChain: 0xfcbc4fc05dbb6fae6112dd82b39db58fcc1ba02a
Burn Contract: 0x3b958770bd1e7ac4be6f79314dd9ce26418e160f

OKX Chain: 0xfcbc4fc05dbb6fae6112dd82b39db58fcc1ba02a
Burn Contract: 0x4c093991Ff508EBbfDDEF98BB853A56233677D2a