
๐Ÿ—‚ Apple TV | Clean, simple, and beautiful segment bar for your AppleTv app

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๐Ÿ’œ Clean, simple and beautiful segment bar for your AppleTv app

You can download this repository and see this example app.

How to use


In Podfile add

pod 'TvLightSegments'

and use pod install.


Create a new CollectionView and set TvLightSegments as a custom class

You need create create a class that subscriber TvLightSegmentsDisplay. When a segment's focus change, this class notified.

class ViewDetails: UIViewController, TvLightSegmentsDisplay {
    @IBOutlet weak var name: UILabel!
    @IBOutlet weak var textDetails: UITextView!
    @IBOutlet weak var image: UIImageView!
    // Oh! A segments' focus was changed! Then, execute this method โšก๏ธ
    func didChangeSegment(_ segmentItem: TvLightSegmentsItem) {
        let pokemon = segmentItem as! Pokemon
        name.text = pokemon.name
        textDetails.text = pokemon.desc
        image.image = pokemon.image

Also, you need create a class that subscriber TvLightSegmentsItem. The objects of this class will be the segments.

class Pokemon: TvLightSegmentsItem {
    let name: String
    let desc: String
    init(name: String, desc: String) {
        self.name = name
        self.desc = desc
    // Text that will show in segment
    func tvLightSegmentsName() -> String {
        return name

Now, in ViewController, we need setup the TvLightSegments, with the setup(viewDisplay:):

class ViewMain: UIViewController {
    @IBOutlet weak var segments: TvLightSegments!
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // The parameter need be a TvLightSegmentsDisplay
        segments.setup(viewDisplay: self.containerViewDetails!)

Then, set the segments, with the set(segmentsItems:):

class ViewMain: UIViewController {
    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // The parameter need be a [TvLightSegmentsItem]
        segments.set(segmentsItems: [
                name: "Pikachu",
                desc: "Pikachu are small, chubby..."
                name: "Charmander",
                desc: "Charmander is a small, bipedal..."
                name: "Bulbasaur",
                desc: "Bulbasaur resembles a small..."

Awesome! Now, our TvLightSegments work! ๐Ÿ˜†

Optional configs


You can change the colors.

Hey! Change the colors before the setup(viewDisplay:) method!!

segments.labelColorSelected = UIColor.red
segments.labelColorNotSelected = UIColor.blue
segments.viewFooterColorSelected = UIColor.green
segments.viewFooterColorNotSelected = UIColor.black


Set a transition animation when a segment's focus is changes.

Hey! Set the transitions before the set(segmentsItems:) method!!

segments.transitionConfig = TransitionConfig(
    transitionStart: { display in
        return { (display as! UIViewController).view!.alpha = 0 }
    transitionStartTime: 0.5,
    transitionEnd: { display in
        return { (display as! UIViewController).view!.alpha = 1 }
    transitionEndTime: 0.5


macabeus  ยท  GitHub @macabeus