
Docker image for Macnamer

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


This Docker image runs Macnamer.


Several options, such as the timezone and admin password are customizable using environment variables.

  • ADMIN_PASS: The default admin's password. This is only set if there are no other superusers, so if you choose your own admin username and password later on, this won't be created.
  • DOCKER_MACNAMER_TZ: The desired timezone. Defaults to Europe/London.
  • DOCKER_MACNAMER_ADMINS: The admin user's details. Defaults to Docker User, docker@localhost.

If you require more advanced settings, for example if you want to hide certain plugins from certain Business Units or if you have a plugin that needs settings, you can override settings.py with your own. A good starting place can be found on this image's Github repository. To use your own settings.py file, use the -v option:

-v /usr/local/macnamer_data/settings/settings.py:/home/app/macnamer/macnamer/settings.py


The directory the SQLite database lives (/home/app/macnamer/db) in is exposed. To persist your database, you should run your container with -v /host/path/somewhere/db:/home/app/macnamer/db.

#Running the Macnamer Container

$ docker run -d --name="macnamer" \
  -p 80:8000 \
  -v /usr/local/macnamer_data/db:/home/app/macnamer/db \
  -e ADMIN_PASS=pass \


  • Add support for Postgres and MySQL