This Puppet module provides a better method to install packages for macOS than the built in method. It is designed to operate more like Munki (ensuring files are present etc) It performs the following:
- Verifies that the specified package receipt is present.
- Verifies that the specified version is installed.
- If passed an array of files to verify, it will reinstall the package if any of the files are missing (optional).
- If passed an array of SHA1 checksums, it will reinstall the package if any of the files specified have a different checksum (optional).
- If passed a parameter of downgrade set to true and a newer version is installed, it will be downgraded to the specified version. Otherwise, newer versions are left untouched.
- Can download packages from a webserver rather than relying on Puppet's fileserver.
node default {
$munkitools_version = ''
apple_package {'munkitools':
source => "puppet:///modules/bigfiles/munki/munkitools-${munkitools_version}.pkg",
version => $munkitools_version,
receipt => 'com.googlecode.munki.core',
installs => ['/Applications/Managed Software Center.app/Contents/MacOS/Managed Software Center', '/usr/local/munki/managedsoftwareupdate'],
checksum => ['f01ff7cc2b0ed727980f43990424a9124a487285', '768c21b2b89dfd6af8524e5ba4cb67b8c32e5d98'],
force_downgrade => true,
# WARNING - this will cause the package to install every run, be clever when you use this
force_install => true
The package is stored on disk, so it is recommended that this is only used for small packages (use Munki for user facing software).
- Remove the package