Full Stack Travel Log

A full stack application to store / list places you have traveled.


  • Setup Server
    • Install Dependencies
    • Install / Setup Linter
    • Setup Express App
    • Setup Not Found and Error Middlewares
  • Model DB
    • What data will we store?
  • Setup Mongoose Model(s)
  • POST / logs
    • Create a new log entry
  • GET / logs
    • List all log entries
  • Setup Client
  • Create Form to add a new entry
  • Setup Map SDK on client
  • List all log entries on map


Log Entry

  • Title - Text
  • Description - Text
  • Comments - Text
  • Rating - scale of 1 - 10
  • Image - Text - URL
  • Latitude - Number
  • Longitude - Number
  • Created At - DateTime
  • Updated At - DateTime