- acocacThe Alan Turing Institute
- AmeliaCrowtherLambert Labs
- arky
- aslanispavlos
- bidouillesTokyo, Japan
- BobSpong
- C1587SParis, France
- codebyandyStanford University
- cspindlerFHNW
- dlizcano@SCMas
- fschrempfEsslingen, Germany
- hystrix1
- joeweissTungite Labs
- johnvanosta
- jonashoechst@tRackIT-Systems
- kaede-kmr
- kdarrasINRAE
- LarsVader666
- luisherranz@Automattic
- lydiakatsis
- macaodhaUniversity of Edinburgh
- MaddieBatsThe Bat Conservation Trust
- Maxime-Bru
- mbsantiagoUniversity College London
- morganlangley98
- obonaventureUniversité catholique de Louvain (UCL)
- paulpeyret-biophoniaBioPhonia
- Pete-the-Geek
- prayagnshahEdmundston, Canada
- Rita888Bee.Wise.Eco
- robinsandfortcapreolus e.U. and micromacro
- suufCyprus
- tbailey20
- TheFunEmbargo
- TheTarados
- vdplasthijsThe Alan Turing Institute