
no event logging

brbowers opened this issue · 4 comments

I have 1.8.0 installed and no events are logging in real-time GA. I've tried the old analytics.js code, the new asynch analytics.js and the gtag.js code. No luck on any of those.

Did not get mail sent or sent when I activated the plugin.
I am receiving the form submissions in my email.

Aside from moving to gtm is there any other troubleshooting I can do with either analytics.js or gtag.js?

@brbowers I am having the same issue. Have tried everything minus moving to gtm.

@brbowers @jsadd19 Please upgrade to v1.8.1, released today. That should fix the issue.

@brbowers Sounds like your goals are using “Contact Form” instead of “Contact Form 7” for the category? Please double-check your goals against this list:

I intentionally used “Contact Form 7” instead of “Contact Form” in my plugin to make it clear exactly where the events originated.
