
MediaWiki API and WikiData client written in Node.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptBSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseBSD-2-Clause


Node.js CI Coverage Status code style: prettier

MediaWiki API client written in node.js



Using npm

npm install nodemw

Or Download the latest stable version via GitHub.

Development version

git clone https://github.com/macbre/nodemw.git


  • HTTP requests are stored in the queue and performed in parallel with limited number of "threads" (i.e. there's no risk of flooding the server)
  • articles creation / edit / move / delete
  • file uploads (using given content or via provided URL)
  • Special:Log processing
  • listing articles in categories
  • and much more
  • getting claims from WikiData

Where it's used

First script

An example script can be found in /examples directory.

cd examples
node pagesInCategory.js

You can enter debug mode by setting DEBUG enviromental variable:

DEBUG=1 node examples/pagesInCategory.js

You can enter dry-run mode (all "write" operations like edits and uploads will be disabled) by setting DRY_RUN environmental variable (or dryRun entry in the config):

DRY_RUN=1 node examples/pagesInCategory.js

Running unit tests

npm test

How to use it?

Creating a bot instance

var bot = require("nodemw");

// pass configuration object
var client = new bot({
  protocol: "https", // Wikipedia now enforces HTTPS
  server: "en.wikipedia.org", // host name of MediaWiki-powered site
  path: "/w", // path to api.php script
  debug: false, // is more verbose when set to true

client.getArticle("foo", function (err, data) {
  // error handling
  if (err) {

  // ...

Config file

nodemw can use config files as well as objects directly provided to bot object constructor.

// read config from external file
var client = new bot("config.js");

Config file is a JSON-encoded object with the following fields (see /examples/config-DIST.js file):

      "protocol": "https",  // default to 'http'
      "server": "en.wikipedia.org",  // host name of MediaWiki-powered site
      "path": "/w",                  // path to api.php script
      "debug": false,                // is more verbose when set to true
      "username": "foo",             // account to be used when logIn is called (optional)
      "password": "bar",             // password to be used when logIn is called (optional)
      "domain" : "auth.bar.net",     // domain to be used when logIn is called (optional)
      "userAgent": "Custom UA",      // define custom bot's user agent
      "concurrency": 5               // how many API requests can be run in parallel (defaults to 3)

Making direct API calls

nodemw allows you make direct calls to MediaWiki API (example querying Semantic MediaWiki API):

var bot = require("nodemw"),
  client = new bot({
    server: "semantic-mediawiki.org",
    path: "/w",
  params = {
    action: "ask",
      "[[Modification date::+]]|?Modification date|sort=Modification date|order=desc",

  params /* api.php parameters */,
  function (
    err /* Error instance or null */,
    info /* processed query result */,
    next /* more results? */,
    data /* raw data */,
  ) {
    console.log(data && data.query && data.query.results);

Bot methods

The last parameter of each function in nodemw API is a callback which will be fired when the requested action is done.

Callbacks use node.js style - err is always passed as the first argument.

bot.logIn(username, password, callback)

Log-in using given credentials - read more

bot.getCategories(prefix, callback)

Gets the list of all categories on a wiki


Gets the list of all pages from the main namespace (excludes redirects) - read more

bot.getPagesInCategory(category, callback)

Gets the list of pages in a given category - read more

bot.getPagesInNamespace(namespace, callback)

Gets the list of pages in a given namespace - read more

bot.getPagesByPrefix(prefix, callback)

Gets the list of pages by a given prefix - read more

bot.getPagesTranscluding(page, callback)

Gets the list of pages that transclude the given pages - read more

bot.getArticle(title, [redirect,] callback)

Gets article content and redirect info - read more

bot.getArticleRevisions(title, callback)

Gets all revisions of a given article - read more

bot.getArticleCategories(title, callback)

Gets all categories a given article is in - read more

bot.getArticleInfo(title, callback)

Gets all info of a given article - read more

bot.edit(title, content, summary, minor, callback)

Creates / edits an article (and mark the edit as minor if minor is set to true) - read more

bot.append(title, content, summary, callback)

Adds given content to the end of the page - read more

bot.prepend(title, content, summary, callback)

Adds given content to the beginning of the page - read more

bot.addFlowTopic(title, topic, content, callback)

Add a Flow topic - read more

bot.delete(title, reason, callback)

Deletes an article - read more

bot.purge(titles, callback)

Purge a given list of articles (titles or page IDs can be provided) - read more

By providing Category:Foo as titles argument you can purge all pages in a given category (available since MW 1.21)

bot.protect(title, protections, options, callback)

Protect a page (A title or page ID can be provided) - read more

The protections value is an Array of protection information in the format:

    action: string,
    level?: string = 'all',
    expiry?: string | number = 'never'

Calls to the Protect endpoint are not additive. Each call must include a list of all intended protections, including any already in place. Each call will replace all existing protections.

bot.sendEmail(username, subject, text, callback)

Send an email to an user - read more

bot.getToken(title, action, callback)

Returns token required for a number of MediaWiki API operations - read more / for MW 1.24+


Gets information about current bot's user (including rights and rate limits) - read more

bot.whois(username, callback)

Gets information about a specific user (including rights, current block, groups) - read more

bot.whoare(usernames, callback)

Gets information about specific users (including rights, current block, groups) - read more

bot.createAccount(username, password, callback)

Create account using given credentials - read more

bot.move(from, to, summary, callback)

Moves (aka renames) given article - read more


Gets list of all images on a wiki

bot.getImageUsage(filename, callback)

Gets list of all articles using given image

bot.getImagesFromArticle(title, callback)

Get list of all images that are used on a given page - read more

bot.getImageInfo(filename, callback)

Gets metadata (including uploader, size, dimensions and EXIF data) of given image

bot.getLog(type, start, callback)

Get entries form Special:Log - read more

bot.expandTemplates(content, title, callback)

Returns XML with preprocessed wikitext - read more

bot.parse(content, title, callback)

Returns parsed wikitext - read more

bot.fetchUrl(url, callback)

Makes a GET request to provided resource and returns its content.

bot.getRecentChanges(start, callback)

Returns entries from recent changes (starting from a given point)

bot.getSiteInfo(props, callback)

Returns site information entries - read more

bot.getSiteStats(props, callback)

Returns site statistics (number of articles, edits etc) - read more


Returns the version of MediaWiki given site uses - read more

client.getQueryPage(queryPage, callback)

Returns entries from QueryPage-based special pages

bot.upload(filename, content, summary /* or extraParams */, callback)

Uploads a given raw content as a File:[filename] - read more

bot.uploadByUrl(filename, url, summary /* or extraParams */, callback)

Uploads a given external resource as a File:[filename]

bot.uploadVideo(fileName, url, callback)

Uploads a given video as a File:[filename] (Wikia-specific API)

bot.getTemplateParamFromXml(tmplXml, paramName)

Gets a value of a given template parameter from article's preparsed content (see expandTemplates)

bot.getExternalLinks(title, callback)

Gets all external links used in article

bot.getBacklinks(title, callback)

Gets all articles that links to given article

bot.search(query, callback)

Performs a search


bot.getConfig(key, def)

Gets config entry value (returns def value if not found)

bot.setConfig(key, val)

Sets config entry value

bot.diff(old, current)

Returns a diff colored using ANSI colors (powered by diff)

Wikia-specific bot methods

They're grouped in bot.wikia "namespace".


Get wiki-specific settings (like ThemeDesigner colors and hubs).

bot.wikia.getUser(userId, callback)

Get information (avatar, number of edits) about a given user

bot.wikia.getUsers(userIds, callback)

Get information (avatar, number of edits) about a given set of users (by their IDs)

This API is Promise-based, use await keyword.


const wikidata = require("nodemw/lib/wikidata");
const client = new wikidata();

// Where is Saksun, Faroe Islands located?
const geo = await client.getEntityClaim(
  "Q928875" /* Saksun */,
  "P625" /* place location */,

// will give you the geolocation of the place
  latitude: 62.248888888889,
  longitude: -7.1758333333333,

// When was Albert Einstein born?
const res = await client.getArticleClaims("Albert Einstein");

const dateOfBirth = res.P569[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value;

const dateOfDeath = res.P570[0].mainsnak.datavalue.value;

// interwiki links for a given artlice
const links = await client.getArticleSitelinks("Albert Einstein");
console.log(links.enwiki); // {site: "enwiki", title: "Albert Einstein", badges: ["Q17437798"]}

Stargazers over time

Stargazers over time