Limn --- John MacCallum


  • Max/MSP >7 running on a Macintosh
  • odot
  • CNMAT Externals
  • A MIDI fader box of some sort (BCF2000, Kork Nano, etc).
  • A >4 channel audio interface (2 channels for the click tracks, and 2-8 for the electronics).


  1. Open electronics/limn.maxpat and click/limn_click.maxpat.
  2. Configure the Audio Setup in Max for your sound card.
  3. Configure the part of the patch connected to [ctlin] for your MIDI device. In the simplest configuration, a single fader may be used to control all 7 faders, however, they may be controlled separately and adjusted dynamically throughout the performance.
  4. Load a sound file using the [open] message at the top of the patch.
  5. Press the toggle marked PLAY.