
Trigger arbitrary JavaScript from Segment.com events

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Segment Hooks

Segment Hooks lets you execute arbitrary JavaScript when specific Segment events are triggered. You could, for example, post a message in Slack when a user first signs up, or send an email to yourself when someone goes over their monthly quota.


Getting started

The simplest way of getting up and running is via the Heroku button below.


Configuring Segment

Once you have a Heroku endpoint, you'll need to set up a Segment webhook. You can add a custom webhook endpoint under your Segment apps integrations.


Configure the endpoint to be https://your-app.herokuapp.com/events - notice the /events trailing path.

That's it - you're all setup!


Clearly this app is best concealed behind a authentication layer. Segment Hooks comes with out the box support for Google Apps auth (and it's fairly straightorward to add alternatives). You'll need to set the following env vars:

GOOGLE_CALLBACK: your-app.herokuapp.com
GOOGLE_DOMAIN: your-google-apps-domain.com
GOOGLE_KEY: your-google-key
GOOGLE_SECRET: your-google-secret

You generate the values for GOOGLE_KEY and GOOGLE_SECRET in Google's API console.

Sending HTTP requests

Segment Hooks bundles the requests lib, so sending HTTP requests is very straightforard. For example, a Hook's JavaScript might look like this:

  url: "https://hooks.slack.com/services/your-hook-id",
  json: {text: event.properties.message}

Sending email

To send email, you'll need to add the mailgun Heroku addon. You'll also need to confirm your email address with Mailgun, and setup a custom domain.

Once that's done, the following JavaScript will send an email.

  to: 'alex@clearbit.com',
  subject: 'Customer signup',
  text: (event.properties.email + ' just signed up!')

Other libraries

To use other Node libraries, simply add them to the package.json dependencies and deploy to Heroku. A Hook can access all of the usual node context.



cat test/fixtures/event.json | \
curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     -d @- \