
Primary LanguageC++OtherNOASSERTION

GP Editor


Authors: Ivaylo Hristakiev and Alex Elliott (19 Jan 2015)

This is the working repository for the GP2 Editor, the integrated development environment being constructed for GP2, an experimental graph programming language developed by the University of York.

Compiling and Installing on Linux

The project uses CMake to produce build files across the supported platforms. The CMake build system currently requires:

  • CMake itself
  • Qt version 4.x (distributed with the Editor)
  • The OGDF library (distributed with the Editor)
  • The Boost C++ libraries (distributed with the Editor)

The executable relies on the GP2 Compiler being present.

Building the GP2 Compiler

Start by obtaining the latest version of the Compiler

$ mkdir GP2
$ cd GP2
$ mkdir GP2-Compiler
$ cd GP2-Compiler
$ git clone https://github.com/UoYCS-plasma/GP2.git

Follow the install instructions from here

Building OGDF and Boost

The required version can be downloaded from here

$ cd GP2
$ mkdir OGDF-build
$ unzip -a ogdf.v2012.07.zip
$ cd OGDF-source
$ make
$ make install

Next is Boost. http://sourceforge.net/projects/boost/files/boost/1.55.0/ All you need to do is download the zip and extract it in the local root directory. No build required.

Building Qt4

Download Qt 4.8 from http://download.qt.io/archive/qt/4.8/4.8.5/ and extract it in the local GP2 directory

$ cd GP2
$ mkdir qt4
$ unzip -a qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5.zip
$ cd qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.5
$ ./configure -prefix ../qt4/
$ make/gmake (the configure script will tell you which command to run)
$ make/gmake install

This step takes about an hour.

Building the Editor

First, obtain the code from https://github.com/UoYCS-plasma/GP2-editor.git

$ cd GP2
$ git clone https://github.com/UoYCS-plasma/GP2-editor.git

Next, edit the CMakeLists.txt and edit occurrences marked with Change this . Also note the comment about exporting CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH. This ensures CMake searches in the right places for the libraries (otherwise it will search /usr/local/... and find nothing).

$ cd GP2
$ mkdir GP2-build
$ cd GP2-build
$ cmake ../GP2-editor
$ make

If everything went to plan, GP2 will install nicely and you can run the executable 'gpdeveloper' to open the editor!

Updating the Editor

cd GP2/GP2-editor
cp CMakeLists.txt ..
git checkout -- CMakeLists.txt
git pull
cp ../CMakeLists.txt .

Note: It is always useful to check how much is the CMakeLists.txt different by using

git diff CMakeLists.txt

If anything else than location of libraries is different, getting the latest CMakeLists.txt and reediting it is best. git reset CMakeLists.txt

Rebuilding the Editor

cd GP2/GP2-build 
cmake ../GP2-editor
./gpdeveloper &

Updating the Compiler

cd GP2/GP2-Compiler
git pull
cd src
make clean
make build