
Roach Map, built during The Great Urban Hack NYC

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Where are the roaches in New York City?

Cockroaches are gross. They spread germs. They defecate on our silverware. 
They live in our kitchens, our bathrooms. They thrive on our garbage, our leftover food. 
And in a city of 8 million, they can be anywhere. But where are they exactly?

Right now there's no up-to-date way to track roach infestations. But restaurant 
inspectors are on the look out for the 6-legged bugs all the time. Our map shows 
where city health inspectors are reporting roach sightings on any given week.

Check back each week to find out the neighborhood with the highest number of roach infestations.

Roach Map (http://roachmap.com) by Max Shron, Chrys Wu, Jim Colgan, John Myles White and Niles Brooks, 
(collectively known as "Drawing Conclusions") is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License.

We created it Nov. 6 & 7, 2010, at The Great Urban Hack NYC event organized by Hacks/Hackers NYC and hosted at Eyebeam Art + Technology Center: http://greaturbanhack.com

See all The Great Urban Hack NYC projects at http://j.mp/byH7Mr