
My clean-slate setup for when I'm creating an app using Tabletop.js, Handlebars.js and Bootstrap

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is my clean-slate setup for when I'm creating a project where the data will be stored in a Google spreadsheet, pulled in using Tabletop.js and templated using Handlebars.js. The project is styled using Bootstrap. It also has a header with the Courier logo and share buttons on the page. You'll want to edit/delete those, as well as make sure your metadata is accurate.


  • jQuery
  • Tabletop.js
  • Handlebars.js
  • Bootstrap
  • Reset.CSS

The Google spreadsheet used in this example is: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/pub?key=0As3JvOeYDO50dHJITmhNWXRUc3FYMFI4emZhWTU0SlE&output=html

You'll want to make sure you hook up to your in loadpagetabletop.js.

Right now, all the data is formatted as JSON and added to the context variable. The template is currently pulling in just the values for the "race" column.

If you want to go static, read static.md