From your libs root, do this:

git clone --recursive git://host/python-proj-libs.git vendor

Sit back and relax while all that downloads, then proceed on your merry way.

To keep it up to date:

pushd vendor && git pull && git submodule update --init && popd

How cbdway-libs was made

pip install -I --src='vendor/src' -r requirements/dev.txt

# Create the .pth file so Python can find our src libs.
find src -type d -depth 1 >> vendor.pth

# Add all the submodules.
for f in src/*; do
    pushd $f >/dev/null && REPO=$(git config remote.origin.url) && popd > /dev/null && git submodule add $REPO $f
git add .

Using your own lib

We add these lines to our file

import site