
Replication material for Abou-Chadi/Orlowski (2016): Moderate as Necessary. The Journal of Politics.

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Replication material

Abou-Chadi/Orlowski (2016): Moderate as Necessary. The Role of Electoral Competitiveness and Party Size in Explaining Parties' Policy Shifts. The Journal of Politics.


This paper investigates how the degree of electoral competition affects parties' policy positions. It follows a growing body of research on party positioning in multi-party competition that regards elections as signals for parties that have to choose their positions and issue strategies. In this article we argue that previous elections provide information about the competitiveness of the upcoming election. The expected degree of electoral competition affects parties' future policy positions since with increasing competitiveness of an election, parties have higher incentives to move towards a vote-maximizing position. However, what constitutes a vote-maximizing strategy varies between parties. While large mainstream parties have an incentive to moderate their positions, small and niche parties choose more extreme positions to distinguish themselves from their mainstream competitors. Applying a novel measure of electoral competitiveness, we find that the degree of electoral competition, indeed, determines parties' policy shifts, but that this effect is moderated by party size.


You can replicate all findings reported in the paper running an_compsze.do with the working directory set to this replication folder. The do-file draws on the data set comp_ppos.csv which contains party-level observations on all covariates referred to in the paper. See below for a description of all variables and their sources. The remaining scripts are for computing party-level competitiveness from raw input data. To generate comp_ppos.csv from input, proceed by running the following scripts in order:

  1. cr_competitiveness.R
  2. cr_lrpos.R
  3. cr_comp_ppos.R

The fun_*.R scripts contain helper functions that are called from within the cr_*.R scripts.

The gr_*.R scripts draw on the outputs of the analyses stored in ./report/. They create the figures reported in the paper which visualize the results obtained by Stata using ggplot2. You need to run an_compsze.do before you can execute the gr_*.R scripts. All graphics are writte to separate pdf files in ./graphs/.

If you have any questions, feel free to contact me.



We used Stata 13 to estimate all models reported in the paper. Two external ados are called in the corresponding do-file: cgmreg and estout. cgmreg is available at [http://gelbach.law.upenn.edu/~gelbach/ado/cgmreg.ado](http://gelb ach.law.upenn.edu/~gelbac h/ado/cgmreg.ado). You can install estout from within Stata via net install st0085_2.pkg, from("http://www.stata- journal.com/software/sj14-2/")

R session info

  • R version 3.2.3 (2015-12-10), x86_64-apple-darwin14.5.0
  • Base packages: base, datasets, graphics, grDevices, methods, stats, utils
  • Other packages: coda 0.17-1, combinat 0.0-8, ggplot2 1.0.1, MASS 7.3-45, MCMCpack 1.3-3, reshape2 1.4.1
  • Loaded via a namespace (and not attached): colorspace 1.2-6, digest 0.6.8, grid 3.2.3, gtable 0.1.2, labeling 0.3, lattice 0.20-33, magrittr 1.5, munsell 0.4.2, plyr 1.8.3, proto 0.3-10, Rcpp 0.12.2, scales 0.3.0, stringi 1.0-1, stringr 1.0.0, tools 3.2.3


Data Files

The data files in ./data/ are:

  • addvars.csv - Control variables added from different sources (see below)
  • ./clogit/ctr_yyyy_predict.csv - Several files with predictions from conditional logit estimates. ctr in the file name is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code and yyyy the four digit election year. See below for content description.
  • ./clogit/ctr_yyyy_vcov.csv - Several files with coeficient and variance-covariance estimates from conditional logit models on individual level survey data. The first row contains the coefficient estimates, all other rows are the variance-covariance matrix. ctr in the file name is the ISO 3166-1 alpha-3 country code and yyyy the four digit election year.
  • comp_ppos.csv - Party-level data on party-positions, competitiveness and selected covariates
  • insulation.csv - Party-level insulation data from Orlowski (2015)

Computer Code

The source files in ./jobs/ are:

  • an_compsze.do - Stata do-file containing all analyses reported in the paper
  • cr_competitiveness.R - R script to compute party-level competitiveness based on Orlowski's (2015) insulation values and results from conditional logit estimates on individual surevey data
  • cr_comp_ppos.R - R script to generate party-level data set combining competitiveness, party positions, and control variables
  • cr_lrpos.R - R script to compute logit scaled left-right positions from MARPOR data on party manifestos. You need to download a copy of the 2015a data set to run this script.
  • fcts_logrile.R - R script with helper functions to compute log scale left-right positions with standard errors according to Lowe et al. (2011). The code is largely based on the replication material provided by the original authors.
  • fun_SimVoteShares.R - R script with function to compute a set of plausible vote shares for each party based on predicted probabilities from conditional logit fits on individual level survey data
  • fun_KnowledgeDecline.R - R script with function to compute discount factor for information value of survey data on voting intentions depending on time passed since survey
  • fun_PredictClogit.R - R script with function to compute the predicted probability of voting for a party for each party-identifier - party pair based on conditional logit coeficients
  • fun_SimVoting.R - R script with function that simulates an election based on predicted probabilities for different party-identifiers to vote for a particular party
  • fun_DrawPropVec.R - R script with function to generate random vector with proportions that sum up to unity
  • fun_plotME2.R - R script with function to create marginal effects plot from Stata estimation results
  • gr_theorycomp.R - R script to produce Figure 1: Components of electoral competition at the party level
  • gr_meps.R - R script to produce marginal effects plots depicted in Figures 2, 3a, 3b, 4a, 4b, A2, and A3 based on Stata estimation results
  • gr_clogit_time.R - R script to produce Figure A1: Point-estimates and model fit for conditional logit models regressing vote choice on party ID

Data Sets


Variable Description External source
pty_id Party ID
ctr_ccode Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
lhelc_id Lower house election ID
lhelc_date Lower house election date
pty_cab Dummy = 1 for parties in government prior to election
tier1_avemag Average district magnitude at first tier of electoral system Bormann and Golder (2013)
leadact Measure for leadership-dominance based on expert surveys Schumacher et al. (2013)


Variable Description
choice Abbrevation of potential party choice
party_id Abbrevation of party respondent identifys with
Phat Predicted probability of respondent identifying with party_id to vote for choice
nrpid_prop Share of respondents identifying with party_id
nobs Number of respondents in survey with valid information on party id and vote choice
pseudo Pseudo R2 of conditional logit estimate
share Predicted vote share for choice based on conditional logit estimates only


First row contains point estimates for conditional logit estimates of choice- specific constants and party identificatin. All other rows contain the corresponding variance-covariance matrix.


Variable Description External source
lhelc_id ID of the lower house election from which competitivenes is computed
pty_id Party ID
party MARPOR party ID MARPOR
date Election year and month as YYYYMM
country MARPOR country ID MARPOR
countryname String with country name MARPOR
edate Date of election for which competitivenss is computed
partyname String with party name MARPOR
parfam Party family MARPOR
pervote Vote share in the election for which competitivenss is computed in percentage points MARPOR
absseat The number of lower house seats won in the election for which competitivenss is computed MARPOR
totseats The total number of lower house seats for the election for which competitivenss is computed MARPOR
rile Left-right position based on raw rile scores. Data basis is the manifesto of the election for which competitivenss is computed MARPOR
logrile Left-right position based on logit rile scores Lowe et al. (2011). Data basis is the manifesto of the election for which competitivenss is computed Own calculations based on MARPOR
logrile.SE Std. Err. of logrile scores Lowe et al. (2011). Data basis is the manifesto of the election for which competitivenss is computed Own calculations based on MARPOR
pty_abr Party abbrevation
ctr_ccode Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
lhelc_date Date of election from which competitivenss is computed
lh_id ID of the lower house from which competitivenes is computed
lhelc_prv_id ID of the lower house election prior to that from which competitivenes is computed
pty_lwr_v2 Lower insulation boundary
pty_upr_v2 Upper insulation boundary
pty_lhelc_identsh Share of party identifiers in corresponding post election survey
pty_csim_lhvotesh Mean simulated vote share based on conditional logit fits
pty_csim_lhvotesh_sd Std. Dev. of simulated vote shares based on conditional logit fits
pty_clg_lhvotesh Vote shares estimate based on conditional logit fit
clg_pseudor2 Pseudo R2 of conditional logit fit
clg_bpid Point estimate of party ID coefficient in conditional logit fit
clg_bpid_se Std. Err. of party ID coefficient in conditional logit fit
csim_disc Discount factor used in vote share computation
pty_comp Party-level competitiveness value
pty_cab Dummy = 1 if party was in government prior to election for which competitiveness is computed
tier1_avemag Average district magnitude at first tier of electoral system Bormann and Golder (2013)
leadact Measure for leadership-dominance based on expert surveys Schumacher et al. (2013)


Variable Description
pty_id Party ID
ctr_ccode Country code (ISO 3166-1 alpha-3)
lhelc_date Lower house election date
lh_id Lower house composition ID
lhelc_id Lower house election ID
lhelc_prv_id Previous lower house election ID
pty_lwr_v2 Lower insulation boundary
pty_upr_v2 Upper insulation boundary
pty_abr Party abbrevation
cmp_id MARPOR party ID


Bormann, N. and M. Golder. 2013. Democratic electoral Systems Around the World, 1946-2011. Electoral Studies 32(2): 360-369.

Lowe, W., K. Benoit, S. Mikhaylov, and M. Laver. 2011. Scaling Policy Preferences from Coded Political Texts. Legislative Studies Quarterly 36(1): 123-155.

Orlowski, M. (2015): Linking Votes to Power. Measuring Electoral Competitiveness at the Party Level. Paper presented at the General Conference of the European Politial Science Association, 25-27 June 2015, Vienna.

Schumacher, G., D. de Vries, and B. Vis. 2013. Why do Parties change Position? Party organization and environmental incentives. Journal of Politics, 75(2): 464-477