
Filters for Laravel 4.2 Eloquent models

Primary LanguagePHPMIT LicenseMIT


Aims to help make filtering input to your Eloquent models easier.

Simplifies code like this:

class Address extends Model {
    public function setPostcodeAttribute($value) {
        $this->attributes['postcode'] = strtoupper(trim($value));

    public function setCityAttribute($value) {
        $this->attributes['city'] = trim($value);

    public function getCityAttribute($value) {
        return strtoupper($value);

Into this:

class Address extends Model {
    use Filter\HasFilters

    protected $input = [
        'postcode' => 'upper|trim',
        'city' => 'trim'

    protected $output = [
        'city' => 'upper'

Can also be used standalone:

$clean = Filter::filter(['city' => 'London'], ['city' => 'trim|upper']);


Installable via composer:

"bcalik/filter": "dev-master",

Laravel 4

To use the model trait and service for Laravel 4, add the following lines to config/app.php:

'providers' => array(
    // ...

'aliases' => array(
    // ...
    'Filter' => 'Filter\Facades\Filter',


Examples below use the Facade style (Filter::filter()) for brevity - standalone users should expand this to $filter->filter().

The standalone class is similar to Laravel's validator component:

$filtered = Filter::filter(['name' => 'Ross'], ['name' => 'trim']);
$value = Filter::filterOne('Ross', 'trim');

Rules are also constructed similarly to Validator:

Filter::filterOne('test', 'trim|upper');
Filter::filterOne('test...', 'rtrim:.');
Filter::filterOne('test', ['trim', 'upper']);

Filters are run sequentially from left to right. Arguments are parsed by str_getcsv - e.g. to trim commas use trim:",".

Registering filters

A filter is a callable that accepts the input string and an array of arguments:

Filter::registerFilter('slugify', function($str, array $args) {
    return preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9]+/', '-', strtolower($str));

Other callable values are classes that define an __invoke method and function names. For example, Zend Framework's filters all implement __invoke, so 'Zend\I18n\Filter\Alnum' is a valid callable.

Filters can be unregistered using Filter::unregisterFilter('slugify').

Default filters

By default the following filters are registered:

trim        trim($str)
trim:|,/    trim($str, '|/');
ltrim       ltrim($str)
ltrim:|,/   ltrim($str, '|/');
rtrim       rtrim($str)
rtrim:|,/   rtrim($str, '|/');
upper       strtoupper($str)
lower       strtolower($str)
capfirst    ucfirst($str)
lowerfirst  lcfirst($str)
slug        Str::slug($str)
null        empty($str) ? null : $str

Laravel 4

A trait, HasFilters is available that modifies getAttribute (accessor) and setAttribute (mutator) to apply filters to the input or output value.

These filter rules are specified in properties on the model, $input and $output for mutators and accessors respectively.

class Address extends Model {
    use Filter\HasFilters;

    public $fillable = ['line1', 'line2', 'line3', 'city', 'postcode'];
    public $input = [
        'line1' => 'trim',
        'line2' => 'trim',
        'line3' => 'trim',
        'city' => 'trim',
        'postcode' => 'upper|trim',
    public $output = [
        'city' => 'upper', // Uppercase only for display

The filter instance is available using App::make('filter'), or via the facade Filter depending on your setup in config/app.php.

Call chain

You can still write your own accessors or mutators which will be applied as well as any filters that have been set. The following chains happen:

  • Mutator: $model->name = 'Ross' (filters applied before your mutator)
    1. Filter\HasFilters::setAttribute
    2. Eloquent\Model::setAttribute
    3. Your\Model::setNameAttribute (if defined)
  • Accessor: echo $model->name (filters applied after your accessor)
    1. Eloquent\Model::getAttribute
    2. Your\Model::getNameAttribute
    3. Filter\HasFilters::getAttribute

You should not need to modify your mutators (they should still store the value in $this->attributes[$name].


Released under the MIT license.