
Project Repository for the "Event-driven and Process-oriented Architectures"

Primary LanguageJava


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Running Instructions

  1. git clone this project

  2. Open in your IDE (we use IntelliJ), if necessary import microservices booking, notification, orchestrator and payment-mono as Maven projects by right-clicking the pom.xml of the respective microservice.

  3. cd into root folder and run docker-compose up.

  4. Start the microservices in your IDE. We use the following sequence:

    1. booking
    2. orchestrator
    3. payment-mono
    4. notification
  5. Open localhost:8091, submit a start, a destination (no specific input required) and your e-mail-address.

To look at the Camunda Cockpit, open localhost:8092.


  • Class not found error: Run maven clean, and then maven compileor higher. Run the service again.
  • Database errors: Delete .db files at the root directory
  • Unresolved dependencies: Use the Reload Maven Dependencies function of IntelliJ, reimport the Maven project or delete the .iml file of the microservice and then reimport the Maven project.