
Build a SAAS app with Flask and deploy it anywhere with Docker.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

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What is this project?

This is the source code for the Build a SAAS app with Flask project that was funded on Kickstarter thanks to the awesome community. For more information please visit https://buildasaaswithflask.com.

Installation instructions

This process will be more streamlined in the future but for now you're on your own for setting up virtualenv, installing Docker, installing nodejs and doing the post-install steps.

Install Virtualenv

Install Docker

Make sure you get docker-compose v1.4.0+.

Install nodejs

Register on Stripe to get your API keys

Review the plans in the above settings file before proceeding. You can always change or delete plans later, so don't sweat it. Just make sure you know what's being created.

I installed everything, now what?

Create a bit of supporting directory structure

  • Create a new folder somewhere, let's say: /tmp/testsaasapp
  • Create a new website folder inside of that: /tmp/testsaasapp/website
  • CD into that directory: cd /tmp/testsaasapp/website

Clone the repo and install all dependencies

  • Clone this repo git clone https://github.com/nickjj/build-a-saas-app-with-flask
  • Type cd build-a-saas-app-with-flask
  • Activate your virtualenv
  • Type pip install --editable . to activate the CLI
  • Type pip install -r requirements.txt to install dependencies
  • Type npm install to install the asset dependencies

Set up docker-compose

Initialize everything and view the app

  • Open a new terminal window
  • Type run assets build to create the build directory and manifest file
  • Type run to see a list of what's available
  • Type run db reset catwatch catwatch_test to initialize the databases
  • Type run stripe sync_plans to sync your STRIPE_PLANS to the gateway
  • Type run all to start everything
  • Visit http://localhost:8000 in your browser
  • If you wish to login, email: dev@localhost.com / password: password

Do I need to do the above steps all the time?

Heck no, from now on you only need to do this:

Also in the future I will be working on ways to automate the above steps. You have to remember the above steps are replacing things like Vagrant and more.

You just setup a complete dev environment which you can reproduce on any machine capable of running Docker. Your environment is now very close to what we will be running in production.

How do I shut everything down?

  • Hit CTRL+C a few times to stop everything
  • Type docker-compose stop to ensure all containers are stopped
  • Confirm no containers are running by typing docker ps

How do I provide my own settings?

  • Create a settings.py file at $PROJECT_ROOT/instance/settings.py
  • Overwrite as many settings as you want

View the example production settings.py.

Can I quickly change my schema without migrating?

Yep, just be warned that this will completely purge your database but doing this early on in development can sometimes be reasonable while you tinker with your schema very frequently.

  • Shut everything down
  • Type docker-compose run postgres
  • Type run db reset catwatch catwatch_test
  • Type run add all

This will drop your database, create a new one and seed it with fake data.

My billing history is always empty

Filling out the billing history requires setting up webhooks with Stripe. You can do that in your Stripe account dashboard under webhooks.

You will need to setup something like ngrok so localhost is accessible outside of your local network. It does this by setting up a tunnel.

Also make sure to look at the comments in config/settings.py for the SERVER_NAME setting.

How can I test the Twitter stream?

After everything is running and your settings are configured just type run stream broadcast and it will start reading in events from Twitter and broadcast the messages to the websocket server.

You can bypass broadcasting and simply listen it on the stream by typing run stream listen instead.

Learn more

What packages are being used?

Check the commented requirements.txt for package specifics.

How will the project be managed?

Upcoming features

I'm an organized person but not OCD about it. I will do my best to add pending features to the issue tracker with a specific label. Not all features will get added to the issue tracker because who wants to write issues all day!


The latest "unstable but might be stable" version will be master.

Stable releases will be tagged and released using the http://semver.org/ system. However early on in the project there's a very good chance the versions will not adhere to semver perfectly.

About the author