
Unable to select port number on FTPFS

Opened this issue · 3 comments

It's not possible to select a port number when mounting an FTP server, so if the server doesn't listen on port 21 you can't mount it. The simple option of using a colon after hostname doesn't work; causes "hostname not found" errors.

You are right this is a problem, right now the default port is 21 and it is pretty much hardcoded. There are (I think) two options:

  • Add a new section for extra setups like the SSH Advanced tab for SSHFS †.
  • Parse out the port and actually pay attention to the "colon after hostname" value if inputed ††.

† I do not use FTPFS that much to actually come up with more options or other handy values to be modified here; any input you could provide would be helpful. Perhaps this new tab could be redundant (or at least that's what I'm guessing).
†† I like this idea more as a nice "very standard" way to input this data.

Friendly ping?

Please add a box below hostname called port that will default to 21 if empty.