Particle and effect system for Pixi.js
Create particle emitters and time based effect sequences. Emitters and sequences can be nested and spawned on different particle events.
Check out the samples
The system has already been stress tested in games like and
To easily create your own effects use the extensive RevoltFX online editor
Fork the editor on Github
npm install revolt-fx
import {FX} from 'revolt-fx'
const fx = new FX()
or via script tag
<script src="path/revoltfx.min.js"></script>
const fx = new revolt.FX()
There are different ways to load the needed assets:
Using PIXI Loader (Example)
//Create a RevoltFX instance
const fx = new revolt.FX(); //loaded via the script tag
//Load the assets using PIXI loader...
.add('fx_settings', 'assets/default-bundle.json')
.add('fx_spritesheet', 'assets/revoltfx-spritesheet.json')
.add('example_spritesheet', 'assets/rfx-examples.json')
.load(function (loader, resources) {
//Init the bundle
app.ticker.add(function () {
//Update the RevoltFX instance
Using FX.loadBundleFiles (Example)
//Create a RevoltFX instance
const fx = new revolt.FX(); //loaded via the script tag
const rfxBundleSettings = 'assets/default-bundle.json';
const rfxSpritesheet = 'assets/revoltfx-spritesheet.json';
const additionalAssets = ['assets/rfx-examples.json'];
//Load bundle files and the additional example spritesheet
fx.loadBundleFiles(rfxBundleSettings, rfxSpritesheet, null, additionalAssets).then(function (data) {
app.ticker.add(function () {
//Update the RevoltFX instance
}).catch(function (err) {
console.log('Error', err);
Using FX.loadBundleZip (Example)
You can pass a JSZip instance to the loadBundleZip method to load the bundle zip file exported by the editor.
//Create a RevoltFX instance
const fx = new revolt.FX(); //loaded via the script tag
//Create a JSZip instance and pass it to the "loadBundleZip" method
const zip = new JSZip();
fx.loadBundleZip('assets/', zip, ['assets/rfx-examples.json']).then(function (data) {
app.ticker.add(function () {
//Update the RevoltFX instance
}).catch(function (err) {
console.log('Error', err);
After the system is initialized you can create particle emitters defined in your bundle by using their names:
//Get the emitter
const emitter = fx.getParticleEmitter('plasma-corona');
//Inititialize it with the target PIXI container
You can also change the global scale of an emitter instance
//Get the emitter
const emitter = fx.getParticleEmitter('plasma-corona');
//Inititialize it with the target PIXI container and a scale of 2
emitter.init(displayContainer, true, 2);
Pause an emitter
emitter.paused = true;
Stop an emitter to be recycled. Pass true (default) to the method, if the system shall wait until all particles have died, before recycling.
Set the x/y position and rotation
emitter.x = 100;
emitter.y = 100;
emitter.rotation = Math.PI;
Set a target, so that the emitter will automatically adopt the target's position and rotation = displayObject;
Set a target offset, so that the emitter will automatically offset its position
emitter.targetOffet = 50;
After the system is initialized you can create effect sequences defined in your bundle by using their names:
//Get the effect sequence
const sequence = fx.getEffectSequence('top-big-explosion');
//Inititialize it with the target PIXI container
Set delay, autostart and scale
//Get the effect sequence
const sequence = fx.getEffectSequence('top-big-explosion');
const delay = 0.5;
const autostart = true;
const scale = 1.5;
sequence.init(displayContainer, delay, autostart, scale);
Set the x/y position and rotation
sequence.init = 100;
sequence.init = 100;
sequence.init = Math.PI;
ParticleEmitters, Particles and EffectSequences dispatch signals on different events
emitter.on.started.add(emitter => { });
emitter.on.exhausted.add(emitter => { });
emitter.on.completed.add(emitter => { });
emitter.on.particleUpdated.add(particle => { });
emitter.on.particleSpawned.add(particle => { });
emitter.on.particleBounced.add(particle => { });
emitter.on.particleDied.add(particle => { });
Usage (Example)
emitter.on.particleSpawned.add(particle => {
console.log('Particle spawned:', particle);
emitter.on.completed.addOnce(function(emitter) {
particle.on.bounced(particle => { });
particle.on.updated(particle => { });
particle.on.died(particle => { });
emitter.on.particleSpawned.add(particle => {
//Register for an update signal for that particle
particle.on.updated.add(particle => {
//Do something with the particle
if (particle.x > 200 && particle.time >= 0.5) {
//Register for a died signal for that particle
particle.on.died.add(particle => {
console.log('Particle', particle, 'died');
sequence.on.started(sequence => { });
sequence.on.exhausted(sequence => { });
sequence.on.completed(sequence => { });
sequence.on.effectSpawned((effectType, effect) => { });
sequence.on.triggerActivated(triggerValue => { });
Usage (Example)
sequence.on.effectSpawned.add((type, effect) => {
console.log('Effect spawned:', type, effect);
sequence.on.triggerActivated.add(triggerValue => {
console.log('Trigger:', triggerValue);
Call the update method every frame with the ticker's delta value (optional)
app.ticker.add(function (delta) {
//Update the RevoltFX instance
If you encounter black artifacts on transparent particle areas which are using the "Add" blendmode (e.g. on mobile), try to hack the blendmode settings of the WebGL renderer instance:
const renderer = app.renderer;
const gl =;
renderer.state.blendModes[PIXI.BLEND_MODES.ADD] = [gl.ONE, gl.ONE];
If you haven't already installed Grunt get it with
npm install -g grunt-cli
Clone the repository and to compile the Typescript sources and create the distribution version run
npm install
npm run dist