
A Mistral-7B-Instruct + LangChain powered sample AI persona chatbot (via HuggingFace)

Primary LanguagePython

A Langchain Chatbot Template using Mistral-Instruct as LLM

The intent of this template is to serve as a quick intro guide for fellow developers looking to build langchain powered chatbots using Mistral 7B LLM(s)

Requirements for running it locally on laptop

  • Windows / Mac / Linux with Git installed
  • Python 3.8
  • Ngrok for Tunneling (For Local Laptop Development Environment)
  • Desktop / Laptop with a minimum of 16GB RAM
  • Huggingface hub API token - Follow these instructions to generate one
  • MessengerX API Token - Follow the instructions below to get your token

Get MessengerX.io API Key

  • Available on the MessengerX.io portal
  • If you aren't registered, please create an account and login
  • Set up your new bot by providing it a Character Name and Description.
    • Select Custom Bot option
    • It should look something like this:
    • figure
  • Click on Save. It will redirect you to your dashboard.
  • On your dashboard you can see your newly created bot
    • figure
  • Click on Settings tab. It will open your bot configuration page.
    • figure
  • On the configuration page you'd be able to see a string named token. That's your Machaao API Token

Local Setup

Download or clone this repository

git clone https://github.com/machaao/mistral-7b-chatbot.git

cd mistral-7b-chatbot

Install requirements

pip install -r requirements.txt

Create a new .env file in the gpt-j-chatbot directory

nano -w .env

Put these key-value pairs in your .env file

API_TOKEN=<Machaao API Token>
# MODEL PARAMS - Unset Parameters would use their default values.
MODEL_NAME=mistralai/Mistral-7B-Instruct-v0.1 # Mistral-Instruct model from Huggingface
# Don't use Top_p and Temperature parameters simultaneously.
# The higher this value, the less deterministic the result will be [`top_p` must be > 0.0 and < 1.0]
# The higher this value, the less deterministic the result will be
# The lower this value, the less likely GPT-J is going to generate off-topic text
# The maximum number of tokens that the generated text should contain

Modify logic/prompt.txt to change the character script

This is a conversation between [name] and user.
Always generate grammatically correct sentences.
[name] is a very understanding girl.
[name] and user are seeing each other.
Act as [name] and respond to the recent discussion between user and [name]

Modify the core() function in logic/bot_logic.py to personalize responses

def core(self, req: str, user_id: str):

Run the chatbot server from the root directory of the repo

python app.py

Start ngrok.io tunnel

ngrok http 5000
  • You'll get a Forwarding URL mentioned on the console as shown below
    • figure
  • Copy the Forwarding URL. In this example it would be:

Update your webhook

Update your bot Webhook URL on the bot configuration page with the NGROK Forwarding URL
In this example your Webhook URL would be:


Refer to this screenshot below figure

Test your bot:

Click on Preview to chat with your bot

Get Dashbot.io API KEY (Recommended for Production)

  • You can acquire the API Key via Dashbot.io and replace it in the .env file under the entry DASHBOT_KEY

Remote Setup (Heroku)

We are assuming you have access to a heroku account and have installed heroku command line client for your OS.

Login to Heroku

heroku login

Create a new app on Heroku and note down your heroku app name

heroku create

Commit changes and push the repository to Heroku

git commit -m ".env updated"
git push heroku master

Open the logs to confirm successful Deployment

heroku logs --tail

Update your webhook

Update your bot Webhook URL at MessengerX.io Portal with the heroku app url

Webhook Url: <YOUR-HEROKU-APP-URL>/machaao/hook

Test your bot:

Visit: https://messengerx.io/<your-character-name>

Notes / Additional Resources

  • Please note that this document isn't meant to be used as a guide for production environment setup.
  • Reach out to us on Twitter for any queries