
The Design

The Design and Logo was made by the graphic designer Hanna Burgstaller. It should show the sense of the collective, warmth and helpfulness of the neighborhood. The playful elements are in balance with the straight font and so the design looks well-adjusted.

At the moment the design is exists out of the logo and the color scheme. We got the logo in several versions, so we can use it for all purposes. For the website, for flyer, prints, on dark and light backgrounds. The existing versions of the logos are industry standard. There are negative, positive, black and white and the original version in several sizes. We also need an appropriate icon for the app, this can be found also in the files. We got here two versions, one with the lettering, one without.

The roadmap concerning the design is all about findind ga designer who can design the coorporate identidy also for the app and the website. So that we can ensure and constant presentation of our project to the outside. We dont want to change the logo so we will fit the comming design to the already existing logo and color scheme.

You want to see more of how we organize us? Click here to our Google Drive Folder

Main Logo & Main Logo Black/White

App Icon with lettering & App Icon without lettering

The Roadmap

Seamless Help without media discontinuity for older people

We are developing a telephone service that older people can simply call to express their needs. A bot receives the request and, with the help of artificial intelligence, creates a request which we feed into an app. In the app, there are volunteer neighbours who accept requests and take care of things - from small purchases to picking up medication or other daily chores. „So machen wir Nachbar:innen zu Machbar:innen“ „So neighborhoods become makerhoods“

Period 1: BUILD AND LAUNCH – actual state

Time span: Begin of hackathon until one week after. 20.3.2020 – 29.3.2020

Use Case: Shopping and errands for everyday life in a state of emergency

Tech/ Platform:

  • Machbarschaft phone number
  • Bot/AI
  • Machbarschaft App


  • Using the media attention from the event hackathon
  • Contacting several organizations, city councils, sponsorships to reach a wider range of people out of the hackathon bubble
  • Using our social media accounts
  • Using published article about us for our awareness level


Time span: Things to do until end of this period. Now until 29.3.2020


  • Launching the App in the App Stores
  • Adding further features like feedback function for older people via the telephone
  • Adding an appropriate design to follow a consequent corporate Identity
  • Add a support e-mail to document problems, bugs or questions


  • Continuing of asking for support (Companies, Social Media)
  • Expand social media accounts to reach more people
  • Gain public knowledge of our Project
  • Target group older people (Nachbar:innen): Direct mail from each household, flyers in the supermarket, radio / local daily newspapers
  • Target group younger people (Machbar:in) Social Media Marketing, OOH and TV via partnerships, flyers in the supermarket
  • Analysing other projects
  • What is our usp
  • Application for several partnerships and sponsorships

Actual partners and publications about us:

  • Twilio:
  • Adding 500$ to our Twilio account to ensure enough possible phone calls
  • Newspaper: Süddeutsche Zeitung – Jugend Ressort
  • Instagram Story

Period 2: SCALE – after finishing the voting

Time span: after the voting is finished. Starting from 29.03.2020

Use Cases:

  • New services, e.g. walking dogs or borrowing and exchanging things

Tech/ Platform:

  • Expansion of the app and extension to digital risk groups: Make and accept requests via App
  • Development of Tech Back-end solution for voice/telephone ordering service for supermarkets (pickup via Machbar:in in-store, supermarket suppliers or other delivery services)
  • Find an Usability Expert to improve the handling of the App
  • Expand functions of the App which makes the Usability better
  • Solve problems which occur with using the App
  • Ensure security for all – Checkbox for helpers before every helping if they still fit in the guidelines and have no COVID-19 infection
  • Blog feature – Interviews with helpers, partnerships, user of the service


  • With other neighborhood services
  • Rotary Club
  • Münchner Freiwillige e.V. and other organizations in cities
  • Supermarkets, pharmacies
  • Corporations with big social media platforms to promote the project and to find new helpers


  • Continuation of the communication, if necessary, integration of suitable influencers for the young target group

Phase 3: EXPAND

Time span: after corona

Use Cases and Features:

  • Thinking “out of the box”
  • Craftsman Services
  • Neighbourhood event planning and community gardening/farming
  • Placement of nursing staff and household services
  • Help for the chronically ill
  • Book medical appointments
  • Book hairdresser/ cosmetics/ rehab
  • Transport services


  • VideoChat (if Internet would be available for the target group)
  • Digital doctor (video) chat/ doctor visit (if internet would be available for the target group)
  • Push Notifications Location Based Service for help to helpers (more push vs. pull principle for faster help)
  • Seamless payment (if older target group uses App and Wallet or similar)
  • Gamification (bonus point system or other treatments for helping others)
  • Rethinking the payment process – possibility to pay the helper with card


  • mobility services
  • Food Retail Trade
  • Health insurance companies
  • Pharmacies/DocMorris
  • Banks/banking business
  • Public telephone services/corridors
  • MyHammer or similar for housework/craftsman services.