
Application manager for GuildRock SMP

Primary LanguagePython


Application manager for GuildRock SMP


Start by installing requirements.txt.

Enter your credentials & discord info in config.yaml

App Management

Starting an app

Copy the first message of the application & paste to APPLICATION_LINK in config.yaml.
Set an appropriate nickname for the applicant in APPLICANT_NAME. This will be used in thread creation and appear in application metadata.

Start the application:

python3 main.py -act start

Closing an app

Close the ongoing application as follows:

python3 main.py -act end -result [decision]-[mtype]

Where [decision]-[mtype] is a valid option in result_options.ini.

Sending a standalone result message

For applications without the need to start a vote process, send a result message as follows:

python3 main.py -act result_only -result [decision]-[mtype]