
The machinateur.dev website. Somewhere between static and dynamic or something.

Primary LanguageTwigMIT LicenseMIT


The machinateur.dev website. Somewhere between static and dynamic or something.


The website can either be run in a classic environment or using docker.


git clone git@github.com:machinateur/website.git
cd website
composer install
touch .env.local

Make sure to edit your .env.local file accordingly.

symfony serve --port=1312

Now open to see if everything is fine.


git clone git@github.com:machinateur/website.git
cd website
touch .env.local

Make sure to edit your .env.local file accordingly.

docker compose build
docker compose up -d

Now open to see if everything is fine.

Going to should result in an HTTPS error, as the redirect to https:// on that port fails.


The build coverage optimization script should run before each deployment/publishing.

Make sure the project is running at port 1312 before proceeding.


Let it build the coverage code. Format the output css if desired.

The open a new private window and run an audit.

The lighthouse audits performed with APP_ENV=dev will warn about the x-robots-tag header set automatically by symfony. The overall performance is better in production environments due to caching.


The cache files are located under var/cache/%kernel.environment%/. To clear it, execute below command or simply delete the cache folder.

php bin/console cache:clear

Log locations and rotations

Logs are stored under var/log/%kernel.environment%.log. The number of log files in rotation is currently set to 0, so they are actually never rotated, but all get their own neat little timestamp.


Make sure to edit your .env.prod.local file accordingly.

export APP_ENV=prod
export APP_DEBUG=0
composer install --no-dev --optimize-autoloader
composer dump-env prod

Custom .htaccess for production

The provided .htaccess has several commented sections, which can (and should) be enabled upon deployment to the production environment. While running inside the docker container, these are set by the apache virtual-host configuration.

In a shared hosting production environment, as it is currently being used, these sections and directives should be set by the .htaccess file. It's not the best solution, but still viable for environments without direct configuration access.

FTP upload files and folders

  • bin/
  • config/
  • docker/
  • public/
  • res/
  • src/
  • templates/
  • tests/
  • var/
  • vendor/
  • .env.local.php
  • .gitattributes
  • .gitignore
  • .php-version
  • ads-config.json
  • build.sh
  • build-coverage.sh
  • build-coverage.js
  • clear.sh
  • clear-coverage.sh
  • composer.json
  • composer.lock
  • docker-compose.yml
  • Dockerfile
  • package.json
  • package-lock.json
  • phpunit.xml.dist
  • README.md
  • symfony.lock

Optional: .htpasswd, if auth is enabled in public/.htaccess.

Credential generation and configuration (for testing)

When using the .htpasswd approach for testing, the htpasswd cli tool is available to add/update credentials. It's installed inside the docker container out of the box (since it comes with apache).

It's recommended to place a .htpasswd-raw file alongside the normal .htpasswd (both outside of public/), so the original credentials for each user won't have to be re-created when lost.


It's MIT.