
Command line tool for launching and focusing Windows applications across virtual desktops. Designed for use with Stream Deck and similar devices.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


app-command is a command-line tool for exercising fine-grained control over how to launch or give focus to applications when working with multiple Windows Virtual Desktops. It is designed for use with Stream Deck and similar macro utilities.

This repository also contains a supplemental script called go-to-desktop.py which allows for command-line navigation to specific virtual desktops by name or by number.


Follow these steps to install and run the Python script:


This script requires Windows 10 or newer and Python 3.x.

You can verify that python is installed by running the following command in the windows command prompt:

python --version

If Python is not installed, download and install it from the official Python website.


  1. Clone the repository

    Open your terminal and run the following command:

    git clone https://github.com/machinebiology/app-command.git
  2. Navigate to the project directory

    Change your current directory to the project's directory with:

    cd app-command
  3. Create a virtual environment (optional)

    Creating a virtual environment is recommended in order to keep the dependencies required by different projects separate. Use the following command to create a virtual environment:

    python -m venv env

    To activate the virtual environment, run:

  4. Install the dependencies

    The dependencies are listed in the requirements.txt file. To install these dependencies, run:

    pip install -r requirements.txt






    • find or find_anywhere
      • Attempts to find the specified window on any desktop
        • All searches are case-insensitive and can match partial window titles (e.g. calc will match a window called Calculator)
      • If no matching window is found and a `path`` is specified, attempt to launch the app
    • find_here
      • Same as find but only attempts to find the window on this desktop
        • i.e. if the app is running on a different desktop, it will be treated as if it is not running, and if path is specified, it will attempt to launch another instance of the program.
    • launch
      • Force the launch of a new instance of the app without attempting to find running instances first

    • Specifies the title of the window to search for (case-insensitive)
    • Only a partial match is required (e.g. calc will match a window called Calculator)
    • If multiple windows match the search text, the first one found will be used

    • go_to_window
      • Navigate to the desktop that contains the target window
    • bring_to_user
      • Move the target window to the current desktop
    • take_to_desktop TARGET_DESKTOP
      • Move to the specified desktop name or number
      • See below for information about TARGET_DESKTOP

    • Only used in conjunction with the take_to_desktop desktop operation above.
    • This value specifies a desktop to take both the app and the user to simultaneously.
      • An example use case is "Launch Excel on my Excel desktop and take me there"
    • This value can specify either the name or the number of a desktop
      • If a name is specified:
        • The desktop will be searched for by name (case-insensitive with partial matches)
      • If a desktop number is specified:
        • The nth desktop from the left will be used.
        • The leftmost desktop is number 1.


  • -p, --path:
    • Specifies the path to the program to run if either no matching window is found or if the launch operation is specified.

Example usage

Find any Calculator window on any desktop and bring it to the user:

pythonw app-command.py find_anywhere calculator bring_to_user -p C:\windows\system32\calc.exe
  • (Launch the app if it's not already running)

Find any Calculator window on any desktop and bring it to the user:

pythonw app-command.py find_anywhere calculator bring_to_user
  • (DON'T launch the app if it's not already running)

Find any Calculator window on the current desktop and bring it to the user:

pythonw app-command.py find_here calculator bring_to_user -p calc.exe
  • (Launch the app if it's not already running)

Find any Calculator window on any desktop, go to its desktop, and focus the app:

pythonw app-command.py find_anywhere calculator go_to_window -p C:\windows\system32\calc.exe
  • (Launch the app on the current desktop if it isn't already running)

Find any Excel window on any desktop and move both the window & the user to the "Data" desktop:

pythonw app-command.py find_anywhere excel take_to_desktop data -p excel.exe
  • (Launch the app on the "Data" desktop if it isn't already running)

Find any Excel window on any desktop and move both the window & the user to the third desktop from the left:

pythonw app-command.py find_anywhere excel take_to_desktop 3 -p excel.exe
  • (Launch the app on desktop #3 if it isn't already running)