
This is our laboratory website.

The main branch contains the source code and the gh-pages contains the publishable site used by github pages

Local install

To compile the site you will need to use Jekyll Make sure to install bundle gem install bundler

  1. Go in the root directory (after cloning)
  2. Make sure you are in the main branch
  3. Install the dependencies bundle install
  4. Compile and run the site bundle exec jekyll serve

Publish the modifications

Commit and push your changes in the main branch Run the script ./bin/publish it will push into the gh-pages branch a cleaned and compiled version of the site (actually it merely copies the files from _site into the root directory and removes the rest - cf. https://www.drewsilcock.co.uk/custom-jekyll-plugins) We don't use the github pages capabilities for auto-publish because it handles a minimum number of plugins.