A list of community-built React Native contributions.
- For a searchable list of npm-registered components, please see react.parts.
- You can subscribe to weekly updates from around the community in the react-native-newsletter.
- A discussion forum is available at discuss.reactjs.org
- IRC on Freenode in #reactnative - or join the channel via Reactiflux on Slack, #react-native
- Official documentation
- React Native Playground - iOS app for downloading and running React Native apps from rnplay.org source
- ReactTo36
- HSK Level 1 Chinese Flashcards
- youmeyou
- Lrn
- MinTrain
- Dribble
- HackerNews (Unofficial)
- Newswatch
- Nortal Tech Day
- Confreaks (Unofficial)
- CodeCore Events
- Den - Blog post here
- Real Polish
- Sudoku
- RSS Reader
- Ruby China
- Alt/Flux Demo
- Flux/Webpack Electric Cloud app
- Embedded (hybrid) App Examples - A collection of examples for using React Native in an existing iOS application
- React Native Playground - CodePen for React Native
- Exponent - "Write React Native experiences with any computer and a text editor and a phone. No need for Xcode or a simulator."
- Driving React Native with Om (ClojureScript)
- AppHub - Update React Native apps without re-submitting to the App Store.
- Natal - Bootstrap ClojureScript React Native apps
- Native Facebook Login with React Native
- Going Native with React, an Introduction
- Rapid iOS Prototyping with React Native at Codecademy
- React Native Tutorial: Building Apps with JavaScript
- Packaging a React Native component
- Listening to application urls in React Native
- React.js Conf 2015 Keynote (1/2) - Introducing React Native by @tomocchino
- React.js Conf 2015 Keynote (2/2) - A Deep Dive into React Native by @vjeux
- React Native at F8 2015 by @tomocchino
- React Native Intro at OpenDNS Meetup by @notbrent
- Why React Native is Different by @jlongster
- React Native and Meteor by @hjharnis
- Lets build a React Native app in 20 minutes by @peterjmag
- React Native for Beginners - The Next Big Thing? by @schlimmson
- React Native Fundamentals on Egghead.io requires a subscription
- React Native with Nick Lockwood - Ray Wenderlich
- React with Christopher Chedau and Jordan Walke - JSJ
- React.js, React Native, Flux, Relay, and GraphQL with Facebook
- All components belong in react.parts - anything else that you would like to share with the community can be added here, please submit a pull request and we will be happy to merge it in!