
Skeleton iOS swift application to be completed to evaluate potential candidates.

Primary LanguageSwift

AlayaCare iOS Swift skill test

What's included

The repo contains a skeleton iOS application created using Xcode 10.1. The app contains a couple of empty files to start you off:

  • NotesPresenter: An empty presenter to manage the controller.
  • NotesController: An empty controller to display a list of notes.
  • Note: An empty data model to represent a note entity.
  • Main.storyboard: A storyboard containing an empty view for the note controller.


  • Xcode 10+
  • A Github account


  • Fork this repository
  • Open the directory in Xcode 10
  • The app should build and run if all requirements are met


The goal of this exercise is to create a very simple note app by following the tasks below.

Try to have each commit represent a completed task.

Code should be:

  • easy to read
  • follow a consistent style guide
  • modular
  • tested if possible

Note: The skeleton is using MVP architecture.

First fork this repository, then commit your changes and create a pull request when you're done (See How to submit your work?). The provided files can be used as a guideline, but add or remove whatever other files you need.

  • TASK 1: Create a data source for the notes:

    • create a note model that can capture the text entered by a user and the date the user created the note
    • create a simple mock data source to return a list of fake notes asynchronously
  • TASK 2: Display a table of notes:

    • use the mock API to populate the list
    • each list item should display the note text and date
  • TASK 3: Implement logic for creating a new note:

    • do this however you want
    • storage can be in memory
    • note text should not be empty
    • new notes should appear in the table of notes created in Task 2
  • TASK 4: Add search functionality to your list of notes:

    • search should support matching to any part of the note text
  • OPTIONAL TASK 5: Save, edit and delete notes

    • use CoreData to persist the notes
    • remove your mock data source and save new notes to CoreData
    • add an option to edit and delete a note from the list

How to submit your work?

  1. First you need to fork this repository.

Forking a repo

  1. Then clone your fork locally.

Cloning a repo

  1. Install the app locally. See the [Installation Guide] (#Installation).
  2. Once you've completed your work, you can submit a pull-request to the remote repository.

 a Pull Request

  1. Review your changes and validate.

Validating a Pull Request

And you're done!

More documentation on Github: