- 0
- 2
feat: link to source code on Github
#354 opened by ncclementi - 4
Project Type: Book (Fix Broken Links)
#346 opened by s2t2 - 6
Missing type annotation for maturin project
#341 opened by benruijl - 0
Interlinks: double path concatenation
#353 opened by dalmijn - 1
#355 opened by peekxc - 3
bug: griffe.loader is not found
#357 opened by jitingxu1 - 7
`quartodoc` is not Auto rendering members
#263 opened by hamelsmu - 0
- 1
Have an option not to sort member items.
#318 opened by has2k1 - 7
Allow disabling title of reference page
#312 opened by daffidwilde - 1
Embedding quartodoc outputs
#272 opened by cpcloud - 9
- 2
Automatically generating documentation like pdoc3
#275 opened by JanPalasek - 4
Missing anchors when searching
#342 opened by benruijl - 0
`Yields` not supported in `numpydocstring`
#338 opened by griff-rees - 0
Strictly following numpydoc specification for parameters causes extra paranthesis in output
#340 opened by catanzaromj - 2
`doctest: +SKIP` is removed from incoming examples code when subclassing `MdRenderer`
#266 opened by cpcloud - 5
feat: type annotations for @properties
#284 opened by NickCrews - 1
Typehint formatting issues with `None`
#277 opened by gforsyth - 7
- 1
Inherit docstrings from Base to Derived Class
#295 opened by ktsitsi - 2
compatibility with griffe 0.45.2
#343 opened by Moraxyc - 1
When not rendering interlinks, rendered annotations may contain duplicate names
#344 opened by machow - 3
On the difference between Objects and Aliases
#317 opened by has2k1 - 1
- 1
Implement an interlinking short-hand syntax
#328 opened by machow - 0
- 0
- 1
- 3
- 2
Ensure summary only uses the short description
#329 opened by machow - 8
Change interlinks specification.
#315 opened by has2k1 - 5
quartodoc ignores imported attributes
#298 opened by JanPalasek - 8
Editable installs not working for meson-python package
#323 opened by peekxc - 2
dynamic loading of an instance should prioritize a statically written docstring (if it exists)
#308 opened by machow - 0
- 4
Dynamic import broken for class and module attributes
#307 opened by has2k1 - 0
Move rendering index to the Renderer
#314 opened by machow - 0
- 4
- 0
DocstringSectionAdmonition is unsupported
#285 opened by epinzur - 1
- 0
Feature request: google format docstring support.
#299 opened by JanPalasek - 5
quartodoc interlinks should validate the version of the interlinks filter being used
#259 opened by machow - 2
- 1
Signature name is incorrect for alias of an alias
#280 opened by machow - 3
- 1
- 1
Allow extra linebreaks when parsing numpy docstrings
#248 opened by machow